Test a2 dgt

Test dgt permit b 2021

Car BTests following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase B

Permiso A2 and A1You will find varied questions with the same format as the real exam. Remember that to pass your 20 questions test, you must make a maximum of 2 failures.Coming soon Test class A2

Permiso DTest de Coche following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase D

Enter your email to know the result of your test.remember that if you take a test as a registered user (free!) you can accelerate your learning with the smart tests and without the need to re-enter your email.

Test de dgt en español

La aplicación guarda un histórico no sólo de cada test que realices sino de cada pregunta. Esto nos permite ofrecerte el mejor sistema de estadísticas ya que sabrás en todo momento el porcentaje real de tus conocimientos de cada tema.

– Sistema inteligente de aprendizaje. Las preguntas de los tests de Autoescuela son seleccionadas usando un algoritmo que tiene en cuenta las preguntas que necesitas practicar más basándose en resultados anteriores.

Autoescuela Móvil contiene más de 5.000 preguntas actualizadas de la DGT de todos los permisos de conducir de España: A1 / A2, AM, B, B + E, C, MMPP, C + E, D y recuperación de puntos. Descárgate Autoescuela Móvil y prepara el examen teórico en pocos días totalmente GRATIS. ¡Aprobarás seguro!

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La aplicación guarda un historial no sólo de cada examen que realices sino de cada pregunta. Esto nos permite ofrecerte el mejor sistema de estadísticas ya que sabrás en todo momento el porcentaje real de tus conocimientos de cada tema.

Autoescuela Móvil es la mejor aplicación para preparar el examen teórico de cualquier carnet de conducir con las últimas preguntas publicadas por la DGT. Preparación para el examen oficial de la DGT. Preguntas actualizadas según la normativa de tráfico vigente.

All tests

The day of the exam you will surely get 3, 4, 5… questions that you have not seen in the tests, because N A D I E has those 15,500 questions: neither the driving school under your house, nor any web, nor app, nor even us. Well, the compis of the DGT do, hehehehehehe.

So, if you only memorize and memorize test questions, it is difficult to pass. The statistics published by the DGT say that of the students who go for free (usually doing only tests) only 1 out of 4 pass on the first try.

Every time you take a test, 30 questions out of these 400 are chosen at random and it seems like a different test… but after a while you keep repeating questions and it seems like you are doing great, but you are not. You have simply memorized a few questions.

Think that on the day of the exam you will surely get 3, 4, 5 questions that you have not seen in your tests (nobody has the 15,500 questions of the DGT). If you add to this the nerves of the exam + doubts in questions that you had seen, things get a little more complicated.

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Dgt tests

The theoretical exam for the A1, A2 and AM licenses combines generic questions with more specific aspects of the motorcycle field, being of a test type. The DGT offers the possibility of taking simulation tests, so that applicants for the motorcycle license can check if they are able to pass the exam, as these tests have the same format as those that will be used to assess the training and grant the motorcycle license. If you want to take the DGT tests to study for the motorcycle exam, the procedure is simple and you only have to follow these steps:

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