100000 maravedis a euros
reales de vellón
After the entry dedicated to MARÍA PITA, a certain curiosity was awakened in me about topics related to the XV and XVI centuries. I thought to myself: what would be the parity of the maravedí and the euro nowadays? Besides, now that medieval fairs are so fashionable, some of them with their own coins, it is worthwhile to know with whom we play our money.
A person with a capital of 5,000 maravedís would be a lower middle class person, who had to provide his security with the minimum armament: a shield, a spear, a sword and a helmet; while a person with a capital of 20,000 maravedís upwards, upper middle class, would have to have all this basic equipment, others more and a spingarda, terrible firearm. To transfer this to our time, we would define a Persian as a
maravedis cob
Magellan and Elcano’s First Round the World Voyage was a great investment at all levels, including the economic one. We cannot know with certainty what these amounts of money meant at that time, but we can try to make an approximation of what the expedition would have cost, in constant euros, today. This will give us an idea of the economic situation.
A voyage of this magnitude also had economic consequences and involved a large investment without which it would not have been possible to leave the port: ships, inspections, food, provisions, weapons, sailors….
In the case of the ships, we have to take into account the price of what each ship cost plus the price of repairs and overhauls of their hulls. This overhaul, also called «puesta a monte», was done in Seville and concluded in 1518, costing around 910,000 maravedís. In total, all this would be approximately 2,226,250 maravedís.
Of these 8 million maravedís, 77% was financed by the Crown and the rest by private agents. Charles I was very convinced by Magellan’s proposal, seeing an opportunity to expand his income and domains, and gave all the support he could to make the expedition possible.
cuanto vale un real español
El dinar de oro se acuñó por primera vez en España bajo el mandato de Abd-ar-Rahman III, emir de Córdoba (912-961). Durante el siglo XI, el dinar pasó a ser conocido como morabit, morabotin o morabetino en toda Europa. En el siglo XII, fue copiado por los gobernantes cristianos Fernando II de León (1157-1188) y Alfonso VIII de Castilla (1158-1214) como maravedí. El marabotín o maravedí de oro de Alfonso conservaba las inscripciones en árabe pero tenía las letras ALF en la parte inferior. Pesaba unos 3,8 gramos.
El contenido de oro del maravedí bajó a un gramo durante el reinado de Jaime I de Aragón (1213-1276), y siguió bajando, hasta convertirse en una moneda de plata bajo Alfonso X de Castilla (1252-1284). En esta época, la palabra maravedí se utilizaba para una moneda concreta de forma oficial, para cualquier moneda de forma coloquial y como sinónimo del propio dinero, lo que provoca cierta confusión a la hora de interpretar las referencias del siglo XIII a la moneda, los valores y la acuñación.
Alfonso X, por ejemplo, realizó tres emisiones de vellón, en cada una de las cuales la nueva moneda se denominó maravedí. Su moneda básica de plata de 1258-1271 también se llamó maravedí. Pesaba 6,00 g y contenía 3,67 g de plata fina. Su valor era de 30 dineros. En aquella época, la moneda de cuenta era el maravedí de 15 sueldos o 180 dineros, por lo que un maravedí como unidad contable valía seis monedas de plata de maravedí.
spanish 8 maravedis
That is to say: A person with an estate (we could say, capital) of 5,000 maravedis was a person of «lower middle class», who had to ensure his safety with the minimum equipment (a shield, a spear, a sword and a helmet) while a person with an estate of 20,000 maravedis upwards, of «upper middle class», would have to have in addition to these (and other) basic equipment, a spingarda, terrible firearm capable of scaring even the fiercest enemies.
I have been searching the internet and I have seen, for example, that D. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra paid a fee of four maravedís for each of the sixty-six sheets that make up his work «Comedias y entremeses». Total fees 4 x 66 = 264 maravedís.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.