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A vivir que son dos días interviews
The use of social networks is one of the great milestones in the development of technology and connectivity today. They are tools that allow proximity and information within everyone’s reach. However, there are factors that affect their proper use.
While the television is a means of entertainment, it helps us to be informed, to know what is happening on the other side of the world and around us, it also helps to educate and gives us a tour of places where we have never gone, even to the moon and space.
Although in this era of digital transformation there are many addicted to the smartphone, it also cuts distances for people who have loved ones far away and gives us access to all the information we need.
By no means does the responsibility for the misuse of technologies lie with innovation: television, telephone, internet and social networks are not bad if we know how to use them.
On the other hand, we cannot forget the negative effects in order to recognize and avoid them. Here we present two negative effects of the use of social networks on people, to learn how to use these tools in a responsible, efficient and fun way.
Caracol radio
«It is very nice because when something happens, everyone puts themselves in the shoes of others, as if to say I want to help and they put their batteries to get the data that is for each one to get what they want,» says the creator.
Wikimujeres supports many social causes such as those carried out by the Marajuera, Salomé Salva Una Vida, Mariana Novoa and Natalia Ponce de León foundations. «Last week we collected almost 3 tons of food that is traveling this week to Chocó, to help the victims of the winter wave. We have done it hand in hand with Samsung,» she says.
Wikimujeres was born with four objectives. The first, because Geraldine’s husband had assured her that women in Colombia were not used to sharing their things, she wanted to «change that paradigm that women cannot support each other, to start showing that we can be in the same space, to make it harmonious despite differences of opinion, cultural, ideological or religious».
Another of the objectives of this community is to support the female entrepreneurship of its own members. «I was thinking about how to ensure that women entrepreneurs who do not have the capacity to carry out advertising strategies, or pay for advertising, have a space where they can offer their products or services to other women who might be interested in what they have to offer.
Let’s live for two days today
In Error 404, Esther Paniagua lists up to «five paths to outage,» but not all are equally likely. «A glitch or attack on the BGP protocol, which decides how data travels online, can cause an outage lasting several days. This is how the US security agency (NSA) completely disconnected Syria by mistake for two days in 2012,» says the researcher, who also points to another crack in the network that could leave the population cut off: «Through the DNS domain name system, the Internet can be boycotted for days. Such an error wiped out all Swedish websites in 2009 and some servers took several days to recover.»
But the network’s biggest weakness is not cybernetic in nature, but physical. «It would be enough to cut the submarine fiber-optic cables through which most of the traffic flows to cause a major collapse. This is the real Achilles tendon of the Internet,» warns technologist Rafael Merino. In his book Mundo Orwell: manual para vivir en un mundo hiperconectado, Air Force colonel and cybersecurity expert Ángel Gómez de Ágreda acknowledges that the major powers currently have military means ready to «attack these cables and cut off the adversaries’ communications» if necessary. «Right now we are in a state of permanent war, but it is not being waged physically, but cybernetically,» acknowledges the military officer.
A vivir que son dos días presenters
Documentos TV’ premieres this week ‘Agotados’, an analysis of the change of values to which today’s society pushes us. The documentary delves into the origin and future of our natural balance between work and our lives, as well as the consequences for our health and that of the planet.
Do we work to live or live to work? We live in the society of «time is money» but, with the aging of the population, climate change and robotization, we are forced to rethink our value system.Since the origins of mankind, man worked to survive. He hunted for a few hours a day. It was an activity that was not considered work and was part of our vital culture. Since then, and throughout the centuries, we have been losing little by little that natural correlation of working to live and we have been placing ourselves in living to work.between 1940 and nowadays we have transformed ourselves into beings completely different from those we were centuries ago. The sense and experience of community have been lost. We have moved to the big cities, we have abandoned the countryside and we have become consumerists. And to consume, we have to work longer and longer hours. This culture of overwork and burnout is not just in one company, it has become the norm,» says economist Faiza Shaheen. Like her, anthropologists, sociologists and other experts believe that work has a colonizing effect on our leisure time and that, although it was said that digitalization would change the economy and our way of life, it has not.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.