Anticipo confirming la caixa
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Confirming is a service consisting of the management of a company’s payments to its suppliers. Confirming notifies suppliers of payment orders, and optionally offers the possibility of advance payment without banking formalities.
If your company imports, you can guarantee your foreign suppliers the date of payment and the possibility to anticipate invoices. This is possible thanks to CaixaBank’s International Confirming contact center, which provides suppliers, in a personalized way and in several languages, with the possibility to advance their collections. Advance payments can be made in most currencies*.
In addition to differentiating itself from its competitors by improving its negotiating position with suppliers, the company also benefits from greater control of payments through CaixaBankNow digital banking, reduced administrative costs and lower commissions than other systems.
confirming product
manage the collection of invoices issued to its customers. The supplier, for its part, has several channels to request the advance payment of these invoices, depending on whether it is a BBVA or non-BBVA customer:
If you have contracted the Confirming service for suppliers, from the bank’s online banking for companies you can consult both the outstanding invoices of each customer and those previously paid, as well as the amounts that have been previously advanced through the service. You can also request the advance payment of your invoice, for which you must enter ‘Collections’ – ‘Confirming:
– You will be shown the result of the simulation, which includes the liquid amount to be received. If it is correct, and you also agree with the operating conditions, you can proceed with the request by clicking on ‘Request advance payment’.
In order to access and manage an advance of Confirming invoices for suppliers, you must be registered in BBVA Net Advance (if you are not, follow the steps in our guide). If so, to request the advance of the invoice, the first thing to do is to sign the contract. For it, you must enter in ‘Clients’ – ‘Virtual Signature of the advance payment contract and, after that:
confirming payment method
If you have contracted the Confirming service for suppliers, from the bank’s online banking for companies you can consult the invoices pending for each client and those paid previously, as well as the amounts that have been previously advanced through the service. You can also request the advance payment of your invoice, for which you must enter ‘Collections’ – ‘Confirming:
– You will be shown the result of the simulation, which includes the liquid amount to be received. If it is correct, and you also agree with the operating conditions, you can proceed with the request by clicking on ‘Request advance’.
– Automatic (all orders from this client are automatically financed): if this option is chosen, and once the contract is signed, you will not have to do anything else, you will automatically receive the advance on all payments issued by this client.
portal para desarrolladores de bankia
Pagar a tus amigos con tu teléfono significa que puedes enviar, solicitar y recibir pagos de tus amigos utilizando tu teléfono, y es rápido, fácil y completamente seguro. No es necesario conocer el número de cuenta del destinatario, basta con utilizar su número de teléfono.
El servicio funciona a través de Bizum, un sistema compatible con la mayoría de los bancos españoles y que conecta las cuentas bancarias de los clientes vinculadas a su número de teléfono móvil (no es necesario conocer ningún número IBAN para enviar dinero).
Si el beneficiario no está registrado, Bizum le enviará un mensaje de texto informándole de que alguien desea enviarle dinero y diciéndole que vaya a su banco para obtener el dinero. El beneficiario tiene 2 días hábiles para registrarse en Bizum a través de su banco. Cuando se registre, recibirá los fondos inmediatamente. Si no se registra en ese plazo, la transferencia se cancelará.
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