Blog de niño becerra
If you analyze the evolution of the capitalist system since the outbreak of the Great Depression with Roosevelt’s New Deal or with Nazi Germany the big bourgeoisie resorts to the State when it has problems. When things are going well, big capital does not want the intervention of the State, they find it a nuisance, just remember the famous phrase of Ronald Reagan: «The State is not the solution to our problems, the State is the problem». Now, when there are real problems, deep crises, the first to get in line to ask for help is big capital and big business.
Yes, from the European Union to institutions such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank, among other things because their political characteristics go against them. We are going to a totally productivist scenario, absolutely technified, where efficiency will set the tone. There will be regulatory entities, but they will be free of the political burden that the EU or the World Bank have today. They will be totally technical institutions in which large corporations will be able to settle their issues.
The economist
For Becerra, the current situation is one in which growth is anemic because it is impossible to finance government spending, the current debt is unpayable and the banks have loaded their balance sheets with «indigestible junk» that they refuse to account for at their real prices.
Given this scenario, changing to a new economic model implies that we will have to live much worse than we are used to, where the availability of resources will be much more limited and where the basic rule will be scarcity. A change, as Becerra himself states, of film.
How do you imagine a new economic model: will we live better or worse than in the current one? In my opinion, what is clear is that a change of model is necessary because this one has been exhausted. I do not know if we will live better or worse, but it is clear to me that we will live in a more efficient way with the present memory of how things should not be done.
Bernat deltell
Bajo el título «Mirando al 2060», el economista catalán destacó cómo la llegada de la pandemia interrumpió la tendencia económica que se ha venido desarrollando a nivel mundial en los últimos 50 años. Añadió que habría que remontarse a las crisis agrícolas de finales del siglo XVIII para encontrar una caída del PIB similar a escala mundial.
Dijo que en estas circunstancias, la productividad se convertirá en un indicador determinante en el futuro y que, en el caso de España, los datos no son tan prometedores como los de países como Alemania o Francia. El economista pronostica que en cuestión de 60 años los niveles de desigualdad a nivel mundial aumentarán y «el capital se concentrará en un puñado de empresas».
Joan canadell twitter
Yes, you have posed it as a question, and it is well formulated. As of today, the situation is so degraded that there will be no other way out. I think they won’t call it a bailout, but in reality it will be that.
You say that I am not very optimistic… Are we all going to die? Of course not! Will we get out of this? Of course, but poorer. Well, I am talking about the average, because a few of us will come out richer…
Evidently, in this new situation towards which we are heading, the fundamental element will be capital. The emergence of the coronavirus is benefiting some people. For example, technology and digital platforms, large corporations, investment funds and large holders of capital.
Does it seem ethical to you that, during the confinement, so much use has been made of parcel services and couriers? I am not talking about basic purchases, but about orders that could have waited, without the need to expose those workers.
No. Capitalism was born at the beginning of the 19th century as a consequence of historical evolution. And what generated the emergence of capitalism? The industrial revolution. That is, the steam engine, a new technology that made it possible to increase productivity. To which we should add the emergence of the bourgeois class, and so on. Now it is not that we can choose another system, it is that there is only this one: there is no other possibility.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.