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The new service, which will only be accessible through the bank’s website and mobile applications, consists of a discretionary management contract for investment fund portfolios. The customer pays a fee to CaixaBank to buy shares in a selection of between 7 and 10 investment funds, which invest in passively managed assets that track the performance of stock market indices or bonds.

With this initiative, CaixaBank is facing up to the launch of several passive management, indexed management and automated management initiatives, such as Indexa Capital, Finizens, FeelCapital and My Investor (from Andbank).

«For us, the key was to create a 100% digital service, very simple, that was very efficient in terms of tax and costs, and that allowed us to complete the entire contracting process,» explained Victor Allende, executive director of private banking and premier banking at CaixaBank, at a press conference.

To use this robo-advisor (as «robo-advisory» investment management is known in English), clients will have to answer a series of simple questions so that the bank knows which recommendation is best suited to their objectives and risk tolerance. After answering the suitability test, CaixaBank assigns them a basket of funds, where they will have more or less weight in the stock market or fixed income, depending on their answers.

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Destino is a range that responds to the philosophy of target-date products. These are instruments in which the policyholder assumes the investment risk, oriented towards the optimal management of the investment and taking into account a specific time horizon.

The PIAS Destino is a unit-linked life-savings insurance in which the benefits and values of the policy depend on the market value of the investments linked to the contract and in which the policyholder assumes the risks of these investments.

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SIALP is the acronym for Individual Long-Term Savings Insurance. Being a savings insurance, it offers coverage in case of death that allows it to behave fiscally as a life insurance. However, the main tax attraction of a SIALP lies in the tax exemption of the returns under the following assumptions:

Generally, the profitability of a SIALP is known in advance and guaranteed. However, the final profitability will depend on the modality contracted or if this profitability, for example, is coupled with a participation in the insurer’s profits. Knowing also that according to Law 26/2014 on the Reform of Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax, the insurance company is obliged to guarantee 85% of the premiums paid, it is a product designed for savers with a long-term investment horizon and who do not want big risks in their investments.

A PIAS, (Individual Systematic Savings Plan), has the purpose of constituting at the expiration of the accumulation period, an annuity in favor of the Policyholder with the contributions made to it and the profitability generated by them. As a savings insurance, it also offers coverage in case of death, which in turn, allows you to take advantage of different incentives or tax advantages as in the case of a SIALP. The PIAS benefit from a special tax regime which means that the income generated until the constitution of the life annuity is exempt from taxation in the IRPF provided that the following conditions are met:

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Destino is a range that responds to the philosophy of target-date products. These are instruments in which the policyholder assumes the investment risk, aimed at optimal investment management and which take into account a specific time horizon.

The PIAS Destino is a unit-linked life-savings insurance in which the benefits and values of the policy depend on the market value of the investments linked to the contract and in which the policyholder assumes the risks of these investments.

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