Catastro de la coruña

Catastro de la coruña

Cadastral points

Since 1997, the General Directorate of Cadastre has been providing a centralized telephone service called Línea Directa del Catastro, which facilitates access to cadastral information, brings the Cadastre closer to citizens and in many cases avoids unnecessary trips to our offices. In addition to this information service, we offer the possibility of making appointments at the Cadastre Offices to be attended by qualified technical personnel in those cases in which more specialized information is required.

Www sedecatastro gob en ask for an appointment

From the 5th century onwards, the decline of the Empire led to the decline of the city itself, although in the 9th century it was already one of the main ports of arrival of pilgrims to Santiago. During this period, a second settlement appeared on the promontory, in what is now the highest part of the Old City.
During the 19th century there was a strong economic and demographic development; the city became the main administrative center of Galicia and, despite a crisis in the textile sector, jobs in the industry increased thanks to the National Cigar Factory. In any case, growth was slow, with alternating stages of crisis and prosperity, with the definitive take-off from the second third of the century; in the first place because it was named capital in the new provincial division (1833) and in the second place because of the reactivation of the port activity from 1850 (emigration to America and trade).
In the first third of the 19th century, the contributions made to the system of open spaces, based on the land obtained from the disentailment, are noteworthy. In the 1830s a square was created on the former grounds of the Convent of San Agustín, in the middle of Pescadería. To this is added another annex, which will be known as Plaza de los Huevos where, from 1839, the stalls of a market are located. In the 1840s, the demolition of the walls of the Ciudad Alta began, which gave rise to the project for the Plaza de Alesón (María Pita).

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Cadastral telephone

Efficiency and proximity are our values when it comes to optimizing the tasks demanded by the client. These values have led us to consolidate our position by offering solutions to any challenge presented by our competences. Check the benefits of our professional services and convince yourself.
Gestorías, Real Estate and Law Firms.      We offer you a long trajectory and consolidated experience in the field of cadastral management, as well as our exclusive method of work in the field of Cadastre-Registry Coordination.

Cadastre previous appointment

Thanks to SIGPAC, Sistema de Información Geográfica de Parcelas Agrícolas, you can geographically inspect any property dedicated to the agricultural and livestock sector regardless of the aid scheme that has been applied for, whether the land is cultivated or dedicated to livestock.
In short, SIGPAC is a large data center determined by its graphical format of all the plots that have declared farmers and ranchers who are within any of the aid schemes. The SIGPAC viewers provide an exact location and cadastral data.

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