Hola luz bono social

All about your electricity bill | free market or free market?

The Classic Gas Tariff differs from Endesa’s One Gas offer in that it establishes a cheaper fixed term for both the 3.1 tariff (annual consumption of less than 5,000 kWh) and the 3.2 tariff (annual consumption of between 5,000 and 50,000 kWh). However, with Endesa the consumption term is cheaper.

Continuing with the usual trend, Holaluz’s tariff once again stands out for its cheaper power term price. However, Endesa’s tariff wins the battle as far as the consumption term is concerned.

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The Bono Social is an aid intended for people living in vulnerable situations so that they do not have problems when it comes to paying their electricity bill. Since 2017, Holaluz has been charging the Bono Social to its customers with a discount for those who lost it with the new regulation.

In this way, two types of discounts are established: a 25% discount aimed at those consumers considered as vulnerable and a 40% discount for those considered as severely vulnerable, i.e. households with lower incomes.

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The Bono Social is an aid in the form of a discount for vulnerable consumers, either for having low income or for being a large family. This discount also applies to people at risk of social exclusion.

To apply for the Bono Social it is necessary to download the application form and, once completed and all the documentation has been gathered, it is necessary to send it to your reference supplier, through the channels available to customers.

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The tariff that any customer must have in order to be eligible for the Bono Social is the PVP and you cannot exceed 10kW of contracted power. The characteristic of this tariff is that every hour of the day the price of electricity goes up or down depending on the demand at that moment.

The application for the Bono Social can be submitted at any time. In any case, it is advisable to first make sure that all the technical requirements are met in order to be eligible for the bonus: tariff, maximum electrical power, etc.

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The Bono Social de luz is an aid offered by the Government so that people with less economic resources can pay their electricity bills. To benefit from the Bono Social it is essential to meet a series of requirements in terms of income level and family situation, and the application must be managed directly with a Reference Commercialization Company.

The Bono Social de luz or Bono Social Eléctrico is aimed at vulnerable consumers with a complicated economic situation. It is a discount offered by the Government to help families pay their electricity bills.

Once the Reference Reseller receives the application for the Bono Social from any user, as long as they meet the necessary requirements, it takes approximately 15 days for the discount to be applied to their bill.

Being a beneficiary of the Bono Social eléctrico depends on the family unit and the annual income level. Depending on these conditions, a family can be considered as a vulnerable consumer, severe vulnerable consumer or severe vulnerable consumer at risk of social exclusion.

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