Indexa capital vs finizens

Indexa capital vs finizens

Investing in indexa capital

If you want to start investing with Indexa, the minimum established is 1.000€ and in the case of Finizens it is 10.000€. In both cases if you are below the minimum established, there is also a solution for you:

This is just an extra and may not be a differentiating factor for many, although for me it is when a company thinks about the customer, but I think it is something to highlight that the Finizens platform is designed by and for the user. Currently, few companies in the financial sector can claim to have a platform as advanced as that of Finizens, not to say that Indexa Capital’s is bad, since it also fulfills its functions.

Both robo advisors have a promotion currently in force with which, for the first €10,000 (Indexa Capital) and €12,000 (Finizens) invested, the management fee is free, and in the case of Finizens, as their client, I have my own personalized url, which if you make use of, we can both benefit from €12,000 without management fee.

Robo advisor spain

A robo advisor is an automated investment manager that offers us a portfolio of investment funds tailored to our needs. So to speak, it is a system for investing configured by a team of experts in the area. If you are thinking of starting to invest, this could be a good option. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Which investors are they aimed at? What profitability do they obtain? We show you.

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Robo advisors or automated managers advise us when it comes to investing. It is an online service that allows us to contract portfolios composed of several investment funds adapted to our risk tolerance. In this way, we can make our money profitable with a portfolio adapted to our needs proposed by the robo advisor, without us having to build it from scratch. And with the advantage that this service has lower fees than actively managed investment funds.

Its operation is based on a mix of algorithms and decisions guided by a committee of experts in the field. Robo advisor derives from robot + advisor and refers to the robotized or automated advice of our investment.

Indexa capital robo advisor

A Robo-advisor or Robo Advisor is a FinTech company that performs automated advisory and/or portfolio management activities[1] and is carried out in consideration of the investor’s personal circumstances.

Thus, when a client completes the suitability test that determines which financial products and in what proportion they should contract them, the Robo Advisor can automatically assign them the portfolio that corresponds to their profile[2] and must control the risk limits and make the necessary adjustments throughout the investment period of each client.

In Latin America they arrived at the end of the 2010s. In the case of Chile, the Robo Advisors that have a regulatory license to operate as a General Fund Manager are Fintual[14] and Focus.[15] The diversity of the portfolios of these companies is very diverse.

The diversity of the portfolios of these index funds is usually to follow a strategy that replicates the market in general (computation of all the global stock market indexes), or to focus on the index of a specific market such as the S&P 500 (United States), the Nikkei 225 (Japan) or the conglomerate of several European indexes. The diversification of the portfolio will vary according to your risk, with a higher equity participation for more risk and volatility tolerant profiles… While in profiles with lower risk tolerance, fixed income will have a greater presence.

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Indexa capital uk

Net performance of Indexa’s 6/10 model portfolio of funds with Inversis as custodian bank. The daily return of the model portfolio is calculated as the weighted sum of the daily return of each asset by the weight of the asset in the portfolio at each moment and subtracting the daily accrual of the average portfolio management fee of all our clients at the current moment (0.29% per annum, VAT included) and the daily accrual of the custody fee in force at the current moment (0.12% per annum, VAT included). This is the return that best approximates the average return obtained by our clients for the 6/10 profile, but clients may obtain slightly higher or lower returns on their portfolios depending on the management fee or specific portfolio rebalancing moments.

Net performance of Indexa’s 6/10 model pension portfolios. The daily return of the model portfolio is calculated as the weighted sum of the daily return of each pension plan (including all fees) by the weight that the plan had in the portfolio at each moment. This is the return that best approximates the average return obtained by our clients, but clients may obtain slightly higher or lower returns in their portfolios depending on the specific rebalancing of their portfolio. Remember that historical returns are not a guarantee of future performance.

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