La caixa cuenta cero


In addition to depositing and withdrawing money, the account, which is identified by an IBAN, is the basis for other banking operations such as transferring money to another current account (yours or a third party’s) or allowing direct debit bills (such as electricity or gym bills) to be charged. You can obtain more information about these operations in the following link.

The most common costs for the use of your current account can be found in the Fee Information Document (DIC). This document is available on this web page by accessing each type of account.

We may (but are not obligated to) pay for you to avoid problems with the receiver of the money, but please note that we will charge you for the money we have lent you. If you do not want us to do so, you will have to tell us.

Day-to-day account la caixa

The current accounts of Banco Santander, BBVA, La Caixa or Bankia may be the first options you consider before signing up for a product for your daily operations, but are they really the best offers on the market?

Also, remember that you can compare all the offers on the market -and hire the one you are most interested in- in our current account comparator. If you prefer us to do the work for you, you can consult our monthly ranking of the best current accounts without salary.

If you are looking for a current account at BBVA, you will have to get its Cuenta Online Sin Comisiones, a product with which you can perform basic operations and which does not charge maintenance or administration fees, offers free transfers and a debit card with no issue or renewal costs.

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If you are interested in a current account with a gift, you will find offers such as the Vivid Money Standard Vivid Account, which rewards new customers with a 10 euro gift just for signing up with the bank.

Cuenta social la caixa

En este caso, seguro que encontrará en nuestra oferta otra opción que se adapte a su situación y que le permita acceder a otra cuenta, también remunerada y con servicios especiales: Cuenta No Remunerada, Cuenta Profesional, etc.

No, no es posible hacer esta simulación. Para que puedas acceder a la Cuenta Nómina y a todas las ventajas asociadas a ella, es imprescindible que el ordenante de la transferencia o librador del cheque que ingresas cada mes sea una persona distinta del titular o titulares de la cuenta.Bankinter particularesNo tiene comisiones, pero sí muchas. Nuestra Cuenta Nómina lleva asociados un montón de servicios para hacer más fácil tu día a día con el banco, con tus finanzas. Para darte, además, un poco más de tiempo.

Un mismo cliente sólo puede ser titular de una cuenta remunerada y de dos cuentas bonificadas, aquellas que, por ejemplo, no tienen comisión de mantenimiento o que tienen asociadas tarjetas con condiciones especiales.

Muy poco, disponemos de un servicio para la gestión de domiciliaciones. Con él podrás domiciliar tus recibos en menos de 3 minutos, desde cualquier dispositivo y sin ir a la oficina. Así de fácil.-> Cuenta cero la caixa sin nominabankinter italiaTendrás una tarjeta sin comisiones de emisión y mantenimiento, con dos caras, o dos tarjetas, o dos formas de pago. Con ella tú decides, en todo momento, cómo quieres pagar: todo a final de mes, o a tu ritmo, pagando poco a poco.

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La caixa create an account

La Caixa offers a wide range of accounts for individuals, in addition to its own accounts for companies. The Family Now account and the current account are some of the most attractive. If you want to know more, discover here the benefits, commissions and profitability of each one of them.

La Caixa bank accounts are open to all types of customers. The different modalities are perfectly adapted to a family with children, to an adult person who wants to manage his pension plan or to the owner of an SME.

Imagin Bank, the mobile bank of La Caixa, has the Imagin account available, with no administration or maintenance fees and no minimum balance required. It is aimed at young people who want to save or receive their first paychecks. In addition to these advantages:

To open your account with Imagin Bank, you will not have to go to any branch of La Caixa, just download the Imagin Bank application or call the bank’s customer service telephone number: 911 110 000.

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