Marketing el corte ingles

Marketing el corte ingles

marketing plan el corte inglés

See listEl Corte Inglés (department stores) Hipercor (hypermarket) Supercor (supermarket) Opencor (24 hours) Sfera (fashion chain) Bricor (DIY) Viajes El Corte Inglés (travel) Seguros El Corte Inglés (insurance) IECISA (IT Consultancy) Telecor (telephony)

When the war ended in 1939, and in view of the need of Sederías Carretas for the site where the first building of Galerías Preciados would later be located, El Corte Inglés was moved in June 1940 to 3 Preciados Street on the corner of Tetuán Street, where Almacenes El Águila was located. It was then constituted as a Limited Company, with a capital of one million pesetas subscribed in equal parts by César Rodríguez, who became the first president of El Corte Inglés S.L., and Ramón Areces, the latter contributing his share of the capital by means of a loan provided by the former. Subsequently, in successive capital increases, it was César who took the majority of the shares, even though Ramón was in charge of the commercial strategy and the day-to-day running of the business.

el corte inglés strategy

These are the psychological tricks that El Corte Inglés uses to make you end up buying more. We are going to talk about their handling of advertising, how they get the perfect temperature and other strategies to make you stay as long as possible and buy as much as possible.

These days, there are some stores like Zara and Mercadona that spend hardly any money on advertising. On the other hand, others spend a lot of money for this purpose, the best example being the case in point. This establishment has launched mythical ads that we associate with events such as sales, Christmas or Mother’s Day, always with a lot of imagination.

The truth is that these ads work, with catchy songs that we always remember. The greatest psychological trick that exists to make you buy more is advertising, as it is able to move our emotions, associating positive emotions with the establishment in question.

el corte inglés group

A few months ago I told you about my disastrous experience after trying to buy a suit at El Corte Inglés. From that disastrous experience, I have not yet returned to El Corte Inglés and I doubt very much that I ever will again, I realized a phenomenon that is sinking more and more in the mud, as if it were quicksand, El Corte Inglés: the reverse shopping.

It is indisputable that El Corte Inglés has a series of competitive advantages, which, if well exploited online, can position it at the forefront of e-commerce.

But not everything is going to be opportunities and competitive advantages. El Corte Inglés has a series of problems and needs that it will have to face in a short period of time, if it does not want to end up dying.

1- Low digital impact. So far, all the actions that El Corte Inglés has taken to offer online content have not been very successful. This is something that is happening to all retailers.

el corte inglés careers

El Corte Inglés’ activity is mainly focused on the retail sector, which accounted for 76% of its sales at the end of 2018 (February). Its extensive range of products and services offers the possibility of accessing a wide offering within the same establishment (one stop shop), which is an important competitive advantage in relation to other retailers. Its core business is complemented by a wide range of services, including travel agencies, IT consulting, telecommunications services, and insurance and financial brokerage.

The group’s competitive positioning is reinforced by the strategic location of its stores, almost all of which are owned and most of which are located in prime areas with a high level of commercial activity. In this regard, its portfolio of real estate assets has a market value of more than 17 billion euros.

Its financial structure is characterized by a high financial autonomy (net worth/gross financial debt: 236% in 2018), favored by the positive results recorded throughout its track record and a progressive reduction in the level of debt (DFN/adjusted EBITDA: 2.9x in 2018 compared to 3.7x in 2016).

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