The dichotomy between public and private hampers the
How long does it take to answer my request? It can take 5 to 7 days to prepare a personalized treatment proposal. We do not send standard proposals. Our specialists study each case to make a detailed treatment proposal. If necessary, a multidisciplinary team assesses the patient’s situation.
To make the diagnosis, hospitalization is mandatory? it is not necessary. At the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona we try to minimize the number of days of hospitalization and favor outpatient treatment. With this measure, we avoid infections in patients with a weakened immune system and we encourage the patient to live the process in the family.
We have come to stay for a few weeks, the hotel is going to cost us a lot of money, are there any alternatives? In Barcelona there is a wide range of apartments and hostels. Our team can give you references to find accommodation close to the Hospital and adjusted to your needs. You can also find information on our website, where you should know that the prices of accommodation can vary substantially depending on the season. SEE ACCOMMODATIONS
Physician’s Day 2009
To ensure a smooth and easy admission process, benefits and payments will be coordinated from the beginning. This way you will not have to worry about payments or reimbursement process.
In case of serious, complex or chronic illnesses, internationally renowned doctors recognized in the medical community for their innovative research, publications and successful cases, will review your case, confirm or modify the diagnosis and recommend the best steps to take for your treatment.
El aspecto ecológico en la industria de las camisetas es cada vez más importante a medida que la industria evoluciona. Muchas empresas de ropa se preocupan por imprimir sus diseños con tintas ecológicas en prendas orgánicas, a la vez que difunden mensajes «go green» con sus diseños.
La organización Greenpeace -como seguro que todos sabemos- tiene una larga y exitosa trayectoria de concienciación ecológica. Una de las mejores formas de concienciar a la gente sobre el cuidado de la naturaleza es crear diseños de camisetas que difundan mensajes ecológicos. El Estudio Notodovale – un estudio de diseño de Bareclona, España – se embarcó en tan noble tarea, diseñando camisetas para Greenpeace que no sólo tienen un aspecto estupendo, sino que también nos hacen pensar en problemas ecológicos importantes en nuestras vidas. Y no sólo para Greenpeace: recientemente han colaborado con Médicos del Mundo, una organización independiente que presta ayuda médica a quienes la necesitan, a menudo en países subdesarrollados de todo el mundo (colaboran con Greenpeace en algunas de sus acciones).
High End International Second Medical Opinion
Through access to a network of over 1.2 million medical providers, our international health insurance offers our globally minded clients the flexibility to choose where and how they want to receive their treatment.
Through access to a network of more than 1.2 million medical providers, our international health insurance offers our globally minded clients the flexibility to choose where and how they wish to receive their treatment.
With access to a network of more than 1.2 million medical providers, our international health insurance offers our globally minded clients the flexibility to choose where and how they wish to receive their treatment.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.