Mil anuncios alquiler piso

Mil anuncios alquiler piso

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Some of these purposes include accurate geolocation, analysis of device characteristics to distinguish users, matching and combining offline data and linking different devices.

Magnificent and beautiful apartment in the center of Seville, next to Calle San Vicente. The apartment is decorated in a modern way, with everything you need to live and close to the main sites of the city. It is fully furnished and ready to move in. Visit without commitment

milanuncios pisos en alquiler particulares

Some of these purposes include accurate geolocation, analysis of device characteristics to distinguish users, matching and combining offline data and linking different devices.

Hello everyone I need very urgently this very month of December a house well to share oh I can rent. It is of extreme urgency as I have to leave the place where I am this month. I work online from home. It is not kachondeo ad x please kien who can and has contact me first x a qui and then privately.

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When Lorna asks him about the possibility of seeing it before paying the 800 euros, Lopez argues that the real estate «can not send agents for all people who request a visit and less now with the pandemic».

Lopez indicates that it will be the real estate agency Rentames that will take care of the apartment and sends them both a link to the website of the same, which indicates «has a guarantee of payment and, therefore, always refunds the money if any reason happens for not wanting the apartment».

This page provides details such as privacy policy, option to sign up for a newsletter, a section of «how we work» and even a map where it is supposedly located, which gives a sense of veracity.

In we have also contacted AX Business Center, a coworking center that brings together several companies and is located in exactly the same building that claims to be this real estate and deny that this is there. Similarly, the real estate agency VN Servicios Inmobiliarios, which is also located in this building, explains to this media that they are unaware that there is an apartment rental agency called «Alquiler Apartamentos Isl» in that place.

Mil anuncios alquiler piso 2021

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