Pp ciudadanos y vox

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The rally is promoted by Rosa Díaz, María San Gil and Fernando SavaterA membership that has nothing to do with that of Ciudadanos, for the moment with a cautious attitude, that despite showing «all its support» to the call, «before the indignity of the pardon to those convicted of the procés», has made it clear that Cs is in favor of the protagonism falling on civil society «and not on the parties».

And that Ciudadanos had decided the street mobilizations, but agreeing with Abascal is not something that suits Arrimadas politically, especially after her break with Sanchez because of the pardons.

The same happens to the PP. Pablo Casado already had problems with the most moderate sector of his party, because of the photo of Colón, together with Abascal, and since Wednesday, when the report of the Supreme Court against the pardon measures was known, he had opted for «institutional mobilization», thus separating himself from Vox, which the first thing he announced were «street mobilizations».

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Arrimadas is determined to prove it and to do so whenever she has the opportunity she highlights the issues in which they are totally distanced from the other two right-wing formations, a political space where her formation has also been framed for some time. The leader of the party, who began by agreeing with Pedro Sánchez on all the health measures and the General State Budgets at the beginning of the pandemic, now wants to kick him out of the Moncloa, like the PP and Vox. But at the same time he is fighting his particular fight with Genova and Casado’s decision to phagocytize them. Both leaders continue to maintain tortuous relations despite the fact that they tried to recompose them in a discreet lunch held last May shortly after the failed motion of censure in Murcia.

A month before that meeting, Casado had revealed in an interview on Antena 3 that he had spoken with Inés Arrimadas and that he had «offered her everything» to reach an agreement so that the leaderships of the two parties could merge and close a convergence for the upcoming elections. Even being the spokeswoman in Congress of the new formation with the approval of Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo. However, he regretted that he rejected the offer and chose to «overthrow» the PP and put «red carpet» to Pedro Sanchez. In that interview Casado insisted on the need for a «reunification of the center-right» as the best formula to win over the left and prevent the Socialists from agreeing with «nationalists» and «separatists». The leader of Ciudadanos later described her revelations as «hot air» and recalled that the PP refused to go in coalition with Ciudadanos in the Catalan autonomous elections in which both formations suffered a disaster, especially the formation led by Arrimadas. «Ciudadanos is not for sale. I do not sell myself for a position,» he said.

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A pesar de un último intento de Inés Arrimadas de convencer personalmente a Feijóo de negociar una coalición, la propuesta fue finalmente rechazada el 19 de febrero,[23] y Cs optó por presentarse en solitario[24] Arrimadas advirtió al PP de que el rechazo de la coalición en Galicia podría tener «consecuencias» en Cataluña, donde la situación era la inversa, con Cs al mando de 36 escaños frente a los 4 del PP[25][26].

A diferencia de la situación en Galicia, las conversaciones de coalición en el País Vasco se encontraban «en una fase muy avanzada» entre las direcciones nacionales de los partidos,[21] y el 19 de febrero se selló un acuerdo de alianza entre PP y Cs con Alonso como candidato principal acordado. [31] Sin embargo, al día siguiente, la rama regional del PP se rebeló contra el acuerdo tras conocer a través de los medios de comunicación que Casado y Arrimadas habían establecido, entre las condiciones de la coalición, que Cs ocupara el segundo lugar en las listas de Álava y Vizcaya,[32][33] calificando de «inaceptable» otorgar a Cs un peso tan indebido en la representación teniendo en cuenta la ausencia de representación institucional del partido en el País Vasco. [34] [35] El 21 de febrero, cuando el plazo para el registro de la alianza expiraba a las 23:59 CET, Alonso se negó a firmar la alianza con Cs entre acusaciones del PP vasco a la dirección nacional del partido de haberles excluido de las negociaciones y de haberles ocultado información sobre el acuerdo,[36] mientras el partido nacional aseguraba que la coalición se firmaría de todas formas. [37] Fuentes del PP vasco reconocieron a la agencia Europa Press que «no reconocerían» el acuerdo de alianza con Cs en los términos anunciados en caso de que se produjera[38].


Send news by e-mailYour name *Your e-mail *Your e-mail *This Sunday the voters of the center-right block face an unprecedented scenario until now. If traditionally the PP united sensibilities for all the voters of that block the irruption first of Ciudadanos, and now of Vox, makes that all of them find in their polling station three ballots with three different acronyms. The three parties brought about a change of government in Andalusia, with the votes of Vox supporting the pact between PP and Ciudadanos. A formula that could be repeated after the elections.

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