Swift bic de la caixa

Swift bic de la caixa

Swift bic bbva

The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) or SWIFT code is the international banking identification code. It is used worldwide. It consists of 8 or 11 characters (4 indicating the bank code, 2 the country, 2 the locality and 3 the branch code). This code is necessary to be able to issue and receive messages such as transfers, import and export remittances, documentary credits, guarantees, etc.

SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) was founded in 1973 in Brussels, supported by 239 banks from 15 countries, with the aim of creating a system for the transmission of secure messages on international financial transactions. The Society currently comprises 7,600 financial institutions with an average daily volume of 10 million messages.

Iban la caixa

The IBAN code (International Bank Account Number) comprises the digits that identify a bank account and the institution to which it is associated, regardless of where it is located. It is required to make money transfers or withdrawals in the SEPA area (Euro Payments Area).

Although this code is essential for sending payments to other banks, La Caixa warns that it is not necessary to report it in the collection and payment files. The entity is in charge of recalculating it by taking the IBAN of the account.

Swift bic bankia

If, on the other hand, you want to make a payment or transfer outside the European Union, also within the range of an international transfer, the information provided by the IBAN code is not enough. It is also necessary to notify the BIC code of the recipient institution.

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Saving in the medium and long term requires discipline and a systematic approach to achieve the objective set, which is a symptom of good financial health. Making regular contributions to an investment vehicle -such as a mutual fund or pension plan- is one of the best tools for achieving savings goals.

However, the main reason why SWIFT is often known is because it is an international code that provides its partners with an encrypted messaging service that enables international fund transfers. SWIFT determines the bank codes that are necessary to make or receive an international transfer.

The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) or SWIFT code is used to identify the beneficiary bank of a transfer (or destination bank). It is an international alphanumeric code that can consist of 8 or 11 characters:

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Have you ever wondered what the BIC/SWIFT code of La Caixa is? If you are a customer of this entity, you may think you will never need it. But when the time comes to make an international transfer, problems will arise.

The BIC code of La Caixa, which is the same as the SWIFT code, is CAIX ES BB XXX. As with all banks, each of these sets of letters or digits has its own meaning.

As a customer of La Caixa you may be wondering what good it will do you to know the BIC code, since you will have seen that it is not necessary to make national transfers. In fact, neither is it necessary to make international transfers as long as they are within the SEPA zone.

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To order this type of operation it is necessary to know the IBAN of the account, the BIC code of the entity, as well as the currency in which the transfer will be made. Of course, you will also have to pay the corresponding fees and commissions.

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