Anaya digital ciencias naturales 1 eso

Anaya digital ciencias naturales 1 eso

1 eso english pdf

4 Match the following organs and apparatuses with their corresponding function. locomotor – nervous – respiratory – circulatory – male reproductive female reproductive – excretory – digestive Nutrition: Reproduction: Relationship: 5 Complete: a) Autotrophic organisms, such as plants and animals, have the following functions: 1.

What will you observe? With this experiment you will observe the germination of some seeds and you will check the importance of water in this process. In the container A, the seeds will germinate and, after about 20 days, you will obtain a seedling similar to the one in the picture. In container B, the beans will not germinate, which means that water is necessary for germination to occur. AFTER 5 DAYS

What do you have to do? 1 A few days before doing this experiment, collect some leaves. NOTE: Pick up the fallen leaves on the ground so as not to cut them off the plants. 2 Look at the illustration A and identify the parts of your leaves that are indicated in the drawing.

Nerves Petiole 3 Next, classify your leaves according to the criteria in illustration B. Check if it is a simple or compound leaf, how is its edge, how are the nerves and how is the shape of the leaf blade. Prepare an index card for each leaf.

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ejercicios inglés 1 eso pdf con soluciones

EJERCICIOS DE VOCABULARIO Colores Números La hora Días, meses, estaciones Información personal Ropa y complementos El tiempo Familia Trabajos Lugares Transportes y viajes Naturaleza Animales Medio ambiente Espacio y ciencia Alimentación Cuerpo y enfermedad Casa y muebles Aficiones y deportes Tecnología y electrodomésticos Rutinas diarias Vida Logros históricos Adverbios Descripciones Escuela Programas de TV Instrumentos y músicos

EJERCICIOS DE GRAMÁTICA Pronombres a / an / some / any Comparaciones Plurales Preposiciones Wh-words El imperativo Presente Simple: Be there is / there are Presente simple: Have got Be o Have got? Presente simple Expresiones de tiempo y adverbios de frecuencia Presente continuo Presente simple o presente continuo Pasado simple: BE Past Simple there was / there were used to Past Continuous ¿Pasado simple o pasado continuo? Present Perfect Presente Perfecto o Pasado Simple Past Perfect Future Verbos modales Infinitivos y gerundios Oraciones condicionales Oraciones de relativo Voz pasiva Miscelánea de verbos

Anaya digital ciencias naturales 1 eso en línea

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