Aula virtual arcipreste de hita

Aula virtual arcipreste de hita

Archpriest of hita biography

He was a clergyman and served as archpriest in Hita, in what is now the province of Guadalajara. Very little is known of his biography, only his name and that of one of the protagonists of his book, Ferrán García, in a document of a cedulario preserved in the cathedral of Toledo. The pseudo-biographical references deduced from his work led some scholars to venture certain aspects of the author’s life.

He was probably born in Alcalá de Henares -although Emilio Sáez and José Trenchs have postulated with little acceptance the Jaén-based Alcalá la Real-, around 1283. He must have studied in Toledo, Hita, Alcalá de Henares or some town in this area and was probably imprisoned by order of the archbishop of Toledo Gil de Albornoz.[3] However, philologists such as Spitzer, M. R. Lida and Salvatore Battaglia have questioned the rigor of many of these assumptions.

Throughout his book Juan Ruiz has been sowing data of his personal biography. He must have been born in Alcalá, as suggested by the famous verse with which Trotaconventos greets the Moorish woman on behalf of the archpriest: «Fija, mucho os saluda uno que es de Alcalá» (stanza 1510a). This affirmation is one of the facts that can be accepted as true, because it fits coherently with the rest of the personal news that appear in the


Throughout his book Juan Ruiz has been sowing data of his personal biography. He must have been born in Alcalá, as suggested by the famous verse with which Trotaconventos greets the Moorish woman on behalf of the Archpriest: «Fija, mucho os saluda uno que es de Alcalá» (stanza 1510a). This statement is one of the facts that can be accepted as true, because it fits coherently with the rest of the personal news that appear in the Book of Good Love and in the arbitral sentence [where his name appears as «uenerabilibus Johanne Roderici archipresbitero de Fita»]. There seems to be no good reason to doubt this fact in his biography.

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The main reason why Juan Ruiz is considered a native of Alcalá de Henares is the geographical proximity to Hita (Guadalajara), the place where he was Archpriest, and of course, close to the best known episodes of his life: the order of the Archbishop of Toledo Gil de Albornoz to «supervise the life of the clerics of Talavera» and his subsequent imprisonment in the convent of San Francisco de Guadalajara, archpriesthood of Hita, etc.

Gonzalo de berceo

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This virtual platform offers, first of all, an introduction to the author and his work, which can serve as a guide for those who want to delve into such a rich and complex personality. Another section lists the manuscripts and editions of the Libro de buen amor, and presents the three main manuscripts and some editions (Ducamin, Cejador, Chiarini) digitized. Then follows an extensive bibliography with the most relevant and updated monographic studies and articles, many of which are also offered digitized. The work is completed with a copious selection of illustrative images and complementary links.

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