Cadena ser podcast a vivir que son dos dias

Cadena ser podcast a vivir que son dos dias

Cadena ser juanjo millás

In 1993, after being temporarily replaced by Elena Markínez during her maternity leave, Concha García Campoy left the program for good when she was hired by Antena 3 Radio. She was replaced until 1995 by María Esperanza Sánchez.

With the corresponding summer replacements (Cayetana Guillén Cuervo in 1995 and Mari Pau Domínguez in 1996), Marta Robles was in charge of the program until the beginning of the 1996-1997 season, when she decided to focus on her television career.

After Marta Robles’ departure, Fernando G. Delgado took over the program from Radio Valencia. The show kept its 9 to 12 time slot, but was renewed with the creation of the section Diario de un mirón, a microsection A beber que son dos días, with Andreu Buenafuente and El Terrat; and to end the program, a dialogue with Manolito Gafotas, the character created and with the voice of Elvira Lindo.

After the first hour of news, the current affairs talk show began, which included Eduardo Sotillos’ national press review, and Montserrat Domínguez’s international press review since September 2007. On Saturdays, the program continued with the sections ‘Viajeros en Tránsito’, ‘El club de Lectura’ with Manu Berástegui and Óscar López, and, finally, the conversations guided by the chef Sergi Arola. On Sundays, the program continued with the interviews of ‘Vis a Vis’, ‘La Ciencia para Curiosos’ with the director of CSIC Carlos Martínez, ‘Pasión Catódica’ with Ignacio Armada and Isabel Alba, ‘El Retrovisor’ with John Carlin, Diego Galán, Lola Garrido and Miquel Jurado, and, to finish the weekend with ‘El Telón’ by Josep Maria Pou.

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A vivir que son dos días colaboradores

In 1993, after being temporarily replaced by Elena Markínez during her maternity leave, Concha García Campoy left the program for good when she was hired by Antena 3 Radio. She was replaced until 1995 by María Esperanza Sánchez.

With the corresponding summer replacements (Cayetana Guillén Cuervo in 1995 and Mari Pau Domínguez in 1996), Marta Robles was in charge of the program until the beginning of the 1996-1997 season, when she decided to focus on her television career.

After Marta Robles’ departure, Fernando G. Delgado took over the program from Radio Valencia. The show kept its 9 to 12 time slot, but was renewed with the creation of the section Diario de un mirón, a microsection A beber que son dos días, with Andreu Buenafuente and El Terrat; and to end the program, a dialogue with Manolito Gafotas, the character created and with the voice of Elvira Lindo.

After the first hour of news, the current affairs talk show began, which included Eduardo Sotillos’ national press review, and Montserrat Domínguez’s international press review since September 2007. On Saturdays, the program continued with the sections ‘Viajeros en Tránsito’, ‘El club de Lectura’ with Manu Berástegui and Óscar López, and, finally, the conversations guided by the chef Sergi Arola. On Sundays, the program continued with the interviews of ‘Vis a Vis’, ‘La Ciencia para Curiosos’ with the director of CSIC Carlos Martínez, ‘Pasión Catódica’ with Ignacio Armada and Isabel Alba, ‘El Retrovisor’ with John Carlin, Diego Galán, Lola Garrido and Miquel Jurado, and, to finish the weekend with ‘El Telón’ by Josep Maria Pou.

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A vivir que son dos días podcast

Cadena Ser has just completed the revolution that had been announced weeks ago. The new team that replaces the historic Daniel Gavela will be headed by Ignacio Soto, who will be the new general manager of Cadena Ser, and Montserrat Domínguez, who will take over as the station’s content director.

Montserrat Domínguez (Madrid, 1963) has held various positions of responsibility in the company, including director of the Huffington Post, as well as head of El País Semanal as coordinator of magazines and weekend supplements.

Cadena ser madrid

Cadena Ser has just completed the revolution that had been announced weeks ago. The new team that replaces the historic Daniel Gavela will be headed by Ignacio Soto, who will be the new general manager of Cadena Ser, and Montserrat Domínguez, who will take over as the station’s director of content.

Montserrat Domínguez (Madrid, 1963) has held various positions of responsibility in the company, including director of the Huffington Post, as well as head of El País Semanal as coordinator of magazines and weekend supplements.

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