Ciencias naturales 1o eso anaya libro digital
natural sciences 2 eso santillana pdf
We propose a compilation of 23 resources for the subject of Biology in Secondary and activities for Baccalaureate, with support materials, videos, exercises … They are perfect for the classroom and also at home, and will serve for students to review knowledge in a fun and entertaining way.
This documentary tells the story of the planet, delving into its origins, evolution and how humans have adapted to live on it. The existing resources and the exploitation that mankind makes of them is another crucial point in this production, as well as the impact that this type of activities have on the Earth, causing an evil that is already irreversible: climate change.
On this page it is possible to find numerous games in which Biology is the protagonist: the types of cells and the parts that compose them, the hierarchical order of living beings, the nervous system and its elements… In total, it proposes 849 mini-games in which to test biological knowledge and learn, thanks to its visual and interactive character.
resourcestic education is biology
5 S DE TEXTO DE ILLERATO. CURSO 13/14 Textbooks BACHILLERATO C.M.C. Ciencias para el mundo contemporáneo. SM Ed. SM Work proposals CMC. Ed. Oxford Biology and Geology SM History of the Contemporary World PHILOSOPHY AND CITIZENSHIP OXFORD (TESELA) (Wait until the beginning of the course to acquire it) PHILOSOPHY AND CITIZENSHIP. EDITORIAL SANTILLANA Física y Química Física y Química/Editorial McGrawHill Lengua Castellana Lengua Castellana y Literatura. EDITORIAL SM RECOME NDADOS ENGLISH GRAMMAR DICTIONARY FRENCH GET IT RIGHT, STUDENTS BOOK 1, ED. OXFORD GET IT RIGHT, WORKBOOK 1, ED. OXFORD OXFORD GRAMMAR FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS. OXFORD BACCALAUREATE. OXFORD STUDY DICTIONARY FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS. ATELIER level Matemáticas Matemáticas Aplicadas a las CCSS I / Anaya aplicadas a las CCSS I Matemáticas I Matemáticas I – Anaya RELIGIÓN Biblia Joven Proyecto TANAK Edelvives
S DE TEXTO DE 1º ESO CURSO 15/16 1º Biology and Geology Project: Los caminos del saber /Santillana 978-84-294-1815-6 1º Natural Science Essential Natural Science Editorial Santillana (Richmond Publishing)
resources anaya biology 1 eso
Although I don’t have them in my possession, I have discovered that the author has also written a blue, a purple, an orange and a yellow diary. All of them are also available in Catalan. «Carlota’s blue diary» deals with the prevention of male violence, «Carlota’s violet diary» with equality and feminism and «Carlota’s orange diary» with immigration and human rights. However, I think that the one that best fits the subject matter of 3rd ESO, apart from the red diary, is «Carlota’s yellow diary» which deals with the first flirtations with drugs and their consequences. I have already put it on my wish list!
The book «La detective del ADN» (Las tres edades/ Nos gusta saber) is a bit more expensive than the rest (about 16 €) but it is also quite good, especially for 4th grade. It talks about how a DNA sample found in a glove can help solve a robbery. With the excuse of becoming detectives, it tells us the history of DNA while we are discarding suspects. It explains all the important discoveries from Mendel, through Rosalind Franklin to genome sequencing and current advances in epigenetics. It has lots of illustrations and, in my opinion, is quite enjoyable to read.
In addition to the explanations, the classes include audiovisual projections (short videos and slides), written activities (to be done in class and at home), practices related to the subject, educational games (with cards or interactive) etc. Sometimes I will also provide a summary sheet with the minimum contents.
By means of worksheets and voluntary works up to 30% of the grade can be obtained and these can be done before or after the exams. If in the first midterm the student gets less than 50%, we wait to see if he/she recovers when averaging with the second midterm. If the average of the three evaluations is not enough to pass, the student will wait to see if the average of the three evaluations is enough to pass, if not, there will be recovery exams at the end of the course.
The contents of each midterm include one or more topics from the book and sometimes in different order. In my class the book is the main source of information, but it does not determine neither the contents nor the sequencing. Each class topic has its own sequencing and one or more resource pages on this blog. Some are more complete than others, as I expand them little by little. These contents develop the official curriculum of the Valencian Community:
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.