Community manager curso online

Curso de Community Manager

¿Quieres iniciarte como community manager y montar un completo plan de contenidos para captar la atención de los consumidores en las redes sociales? En este curso, Ana Marín, directora de integración digital de McCann Worldgroup México, te enseña todo lo esencial del community management para trabajar en las redes sociales. Tiene una amplia trayectoria profesional en el mundo digital, que ha sido celebrada en festivales como los Effie Awards, el Círculo Creativo de México y el Festival Iberoamericano de Social Media.

Conoce a Ana Marín, su pasión por las redes sociales y su trayectoria profesional en productoras y agencias de publicidad, siempre trabajando para grandes marcas en las redes sociales. Conoce sus mayores influencias, cómo se mantiene al día con las tendencias y algunas fuentes de inspiración que quizás quieras seguir tú mismo.

Descubre qué es exactamente un community manager, así como las principales responsabilidades y el tipo de trabajo que realizan en las cuentas de redes sociales de las marcas. A continuación, examina a fondo sus tareas diarias, los tipos de CM que existen y todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en uno.

Community manager certification

“Excellent instructors with extensive knowledge, they cover all the topics in a clear and precise way. Whenever I take a course with Academia Cerebro, I notice that they are up to date with the evolution of the digital world and I learn new things. They cover all expectations, I recommend them 100%.”

“Excellent methodology and content. I have seen other digital mk courses and this one undoubtedly exceeded my expectations, it is the best digital strategy course that can be found in the country. Totally dynamic and practical. Totally recommending”

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In fact we were born as face-to-face courses and we have remained so since 2014 until the beginning of the pandemic. Since March 2020 we inaugurated our online modality. We hope, when the restrictions are lifted, to continue with our face-to-face trainings.

Online community manager training

Intensive Online Training: Practical Guide Digital Marketing, Social Media, Online Advertising, Ecommerce, 6 classes, 12 hoursOnline Training: Theoretical classes 4 days and practical classes 2 days. Schedule 10:00 am to 12:00 hours.Training: Practical Guide Digital Marketing, 6 classes, 12 hours. Intensive Course, We help you create a digital strategy and increase your sales. Learn how to integrate Digital Marketing, Social Media, Online Advertising, E-Commerce to your business and increase your sales.

98,000 In Company Training… tailored to your company, needs and objectives. We go to your organization: The company proposes: when, where and schedule. On-site or online classes, via ZoomThe in-company courses of Social Marketing Academy include specific training sessions for each client, adapted to their needs, if desired, can be developed in their own offices or remotely via Zoom or with the platform that is defined. We develop courses and/or theoretical-practical workshops in Digital Marketing, Social Media (Community Manager), Online Advertising and E-Commerce.

Community manager certification google

The profession of Community Manager has become not only the most demanded, but necessary and essential for any company that wants to establish communication channels between the company and its users and consumers in social networks. But, what is Community Manager, what are the basic functions, what is monitoring, and what is the Return on Investment (ROI)?

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The profession of Community Manager has become not only the most demanded, but necessary and essential for any company that wants to establish communication channels between the company and its users and consumers in social networks. But what is a Community Manager, what are the basic functions, what is monitoring, and what is the Return on Investment? Whether you have a company, you are a communication or marketing professional, or simply want to train in a profession of the future, this book offers a global vision to know the keys and essential concepts of this profession. You will learn how to manage your company’s image on the Internet and social networks, you will learn the techniques of online marketing, you will master technology and social tools, and you will discover how to create business strategies in social media.

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