Crea junta de andalucia bachillerato

Crea junta de andalucia bachillerato

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In order to pass to the next year, you must have passed all the subjects or, at the most, you will be able to promote from first to second year with two failed subjects. You must register for these subjects the following year in order to pass them.  To obtain the Baccalaureate degree, you must pass all subjects.

You must take all the general core subjects, two optional core subjects and between a minimum of two and a maximum of three specific subjects, depending on the educational administration and the schools. Each educational center organizes the Bachillerato and decides the subjects offered to its students.

One of the options for the Baccalaureate are university studies. In order to access university, you will have to pass a specific entrance exam which consists of a general and obligatory phase and a specific phase which serves to increase your grades. It is important that you choose a type of Baccalaureate that allows you to take the specific phase in order to get a higher grade in the studies you are interested in. To do so, you must know the weightings of each subject for the different university studies, and you must also know the cut-off grades.

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Within this modality of Bachillerato, oriented towards the arts and humanities on the one hand, and towards the social and legal sciences on the other, the subjects to be taken are, among others, the following:

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In order to obtain the title of Bachillerato, a positive evaluation in all the subjects of the two courses of Bachillerato with a final grade equal to or higher than 5 out of 10 will be required. The final grade of the stage will be the arithmetic mean of the numerical grades obtained in each of the subjects taken in the Bachillerato. In this diploma will appear the modality and the final grade of the stage,

When considering how to choose between the different modalities of the Baccalaureate, we recommend that you take into account your professional vocation, what type of career you would like to study, its professional opportunities and its future employment. It is an important point, so you should meditate well on your decision, a correct choice at the beginning can lead to success in your professional future.


In this section you will find all the information regarding its characteristics, access and enrollment requirements, course structure, duration and modalities. You will be able to consult the syllabus, program and contents of the subjects that make up the distance baccalaureate, the most recommended textbooks for each subject as well as a multitude of tips and recommendations to successfully face this type of studies.

The distance baccalaureate is an option with limited places and therefore restricted to those students who present real and justified problems for not attending classes during the day or night. The reasons presented by the applicants for not being able to attend classes must be approved by the competent educational authority.

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The modalities of the baccalaureate consist of a series of subjects that make up a specific academic orientation. It is a matter of taste to choose one modality or another, since some subjects may be more interesting than others for the student. However, in case you are planning to go to university when you finish the Baccalaureate, the modality and optional subjects you have taken can be decisive in order to be able to access a certain university degree.

Crea junta de andalucia bachillerato

1. Optional subject of the first course, to have passed the entrance exam to any course of degree. 2. Elective subject of the second year, to have passed the first year of the degree. 3. Elective subject of the third year, to have passed the second year of the degree.

The official academic certification of the studies taken must be presented at the educational center where the student is enrolled to justify the requested validation, expressly stating the professional modules or subjects passed.

It will be presented, if applicable, the official certification of the competent Administration of having the accreditation of any unit of competence obtained through the Procedure of Evaluation and Accreditation of Professional Competences established in the Royal Decree 1224/2009, of July 17, on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience; or through a certificate of professionalism established from the Royal Decree 34/2008, of January 18, which regulates the certificates of professionalism.

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