Disco el mal querer
El mal querer vinyl
The announcement of the second edition of the book, which goes on sale in September, has aroused the joy of some and the suspicion of those who wonder if this is the best way to sell books. Moreover, the text predates the birth of feminism as a political and social movement.
The text, of anonymous author and original title El roman de Flamenca, is incomplete and tells the story of a woman who gives her name to the text and who lives imprisoned in a tower because of her husband’s jealousy. Guillem de Nevers is a knight who disguises himself as a clergyman in order to seduce and free Flamenca, the imprisoned lady.
Flamenca provides Rosalía with the opportunity to construct an album with feminist content, although this feminist reading is made from the current perspective. «The text has the audacity to consider man and woman as absolute equals, both intellectually and morally. It also does so through a powerful female protagonist: Flamenca is not only intelligent, she is also cultured,» says the translator.
Álbum de rosalía
El global bass, la escena underground centrada en Internet que comenzó a florecer en todo el mundo a finales de la década de 2000, surgió cuando los jóvenes productores tomaron las tradiciones populares de sus países y las actualizaron para una pista de baile milenaria. Utilizaron las nuevas tecnologías para conectar las fronteras musicales que antes se habían derrumbado: La cumbia se digitalizó (Colombia, México), la salsa se remezcló (Puerto Rico, Nueva York), los tambores pow wow se volvieron eléctricos (Canadá) y algunos productores incluso transmutaron las flautas de pan andinas en bangers intelectuales. El global bass se convirtió en un precursor de la forma cada vez más ilimitada en que funciona la música pop en la actualidad, incluso cuando se aplanó en versiones cojas y enlatadas de lo que algunos denominaron espantosamente «trop-house», por no hablar de la fluencia venenosa general de la EDM en su torrente sanguíneo.
El concepto, sin embargo, sigue siendo intrigante: A medida que Internet homogeneiza las culturas musicales individuales en un gran batiburrillo cuantificado en el estudio, ¿cómo pueden los músicos conservar la singularidad de las historias hiperlocales y a menudo disipadas de sus culturas? Y, por otro lado, ¿es preferible adoptar un enfoque rígido de esa hiperlocalidad -o al menos una postura defensiva frente a la especificidad cultural- si ello ahoga el tipo de creatividad musical que fomenta la evolución de un género?
El mal querer genius
Part of the free spirit of the novel for the time, Espadaler adds, is that the work does not see sin in anything related to sex: «It is something not only permitted by God but is in God himself. In this context, a jealous husband who wants to lock up his wife so that no one can see her is a grotesque and absurd figure, and worthy of all the opprobrium and mockery».
El Roman de Flamenca (Edit.um) is a work rediscovered late, around 1834, recalls Jaime Covarsí Carbonero, who translated and studied it for his doctoral thesis in Hispanic Philology. He then wrote a metaliterary novel, El bastón de Avellano, which tells two stories and respective love triangles, one from real life and the other that takes place in the novel and is told while it is being translated.
That is the reason why Covarsí says that the novel can be considered «a ‘roman de mujer’, as I call it in my work, since the feminine claim is clear, as evidenced by the ‘calenda maya’ that the author included in his work».
El mal querer metacritic
El mal querer is a conceptual work purely of our time, modern for some or ahead of its time for others. The reality is that this work by Rosalía is an adaptation (very freely understood) of a 13th century novel entitled Flamenca and of unknown author, although it has often been attributed to Arnaud de Carcassés.
The novel was written in the Occitan language between 1240 and 1270, and tells the true story of two lovers. Flamenca is a young woman, daughter of Count Guido de Nemours, who marries Archambault of Auvergne; far from the happiness she imagined, she finds herself with a husband who, under the pretext of jealousy, locks her in a tower.
Like them, Flamenca wanted to go beyond her confinement. The young Guillermo falls in love with her and together they live a clandestine romance, undoubtedly a very daring theme for the time. The novel, like the album, is a hymn to life.
Each of the eleven tracks that make up the album corresponds to a chapter of the book (although the end of the book is not known). Thus, the track that opens El mal querer, the well-known «Malamente», has the full title «Malamente (Cap. 1: Augurio)».
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.