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SecundariaNosotrosWe are a new generation Mexican publishing company dedicated to the development of high quality educational content, with the objective of providing teachers with publications that facilitate their teaching work and promote the learning and integral development of students.
Mission: To contribute to education and culture through the development of high quality books, teaching materials and digital resources that meet the needs of the educational environment of our country.
Vision: To consolidate as a company with an educational proposal with high quality in our materials, efficiency in our services and committed to provide solutions to our users.
Answers Planea 2017 Exam English 🙂
Posts;1)Sprint run performing slalom.2)Frequency support of both feet between pike and pike with acceleration.3)Sprint run using zig- zag.4)Extend stride progressively 1 support between pike and pike.5)Jumps with feet together over hurdles and acceleration.6. )Amplitude introducing a leg in each hoop.2 complete 2 laps of the circuit:1ª)30″ of action 30″ of recovery.2ª)20″ of action 40″ of recovery.After performing the post, you will return recovering to the initial position.
Exercises to warm up arms, joint mobility and coordination.1)Alternately raise and lower one and the other arm (right arm raised, left arm lowered…).2)Open arms and cross them in front of the body (each time passing one arm over the other).3)Make wide circles with both arms at the same time (forward, backward).4)Continuous sequence; Cross in front of the body, cross behind, raise both arms at the same time, lower both arms at the same time.
The players are distributed around the circuit at the beginning of each post.The aim is to perform ball combinations with subsequent coordination actions.1)Skipping with double support between pikes.2)Somersault.3)Jumps over fences with knees to the peccho.4)Driving between cones in slalom.5)Dribbling action rodeo and fence jumping.6)Jump over fences with knees to the peccho.7)Driving between cones in slalom.8)Dribbling action rodeo and fence jumping.
Ashworth, P., Bannister, P., y Thorne, P. (1997). ¿Culpable a los ojos de quién? University Students’ Perceptions of Cheating and Plagiarism in Academic Work and Assessment. Studies in Higher Education, 22(2), 187-203. doi:
Chen, Y. & Chou, C. (2014). ¿Por qué y quién está de acuerdo en copiar y pegar? Taiwan College Students’ Perceptions of Cyber-Plagiarism. En J. Viteli, & M. Leikomaa (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2014 (pp. 937-943). Asociación para el avance de la informática en la educación (AACE). ( (2016-08-03).
Comas, R., Sureda, J., y Oliver, M. (2011). Prácticas de citación y plagio académico en la elaboración textual del alumnado universitario. Teoría de la Educación: Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 12 (1), 359-385. ( (2016-08-03).
Eret, E., & Gokmenoglu, T. (2010). El plagio en la educación superior: Un estudio de caso con futuros académicos. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3.303-3.307. doi:
Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha in college and university education
Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your child when talking about the day at school. It’s good to know the location of the main office, nurse’s office, cafeteria, gymnasium, athletic fields, auditorium and special classes.
Many teachers have their own websites that provide access to textbooks and other resources, including homework assignments and assessment dates. In addition, district, school, or teacher websites often offer special resources for parents and students.
During middle school, homework tends to be more intense and the time your child must spend on it is likely to be longer than during elementary school. In general, he or she will have to spend one to two hours a day doing homework.
Encourage your child to ask for help when he or she needs it. Most teachers are available to offer additional help or to stay after school, and may be able to recommend other resources.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.