El blog de tercero anaya
reading comprehension 3 primary pdf
Santillana has told us that the licenses can be merged so that the 4 books appear on the same screen (language, math, Natural Science and Social Science). These are the instructions provided to us:
Yesterday was the beginning of the school year meeting. We thank you all for your attendance and for putting up with the hot weather in the classroom. For those of you who were not able to attend and/or for those of you who would like to read more calmly some of the topics we discussed at the meeting, we leave here the presentation we used.
During this week at school, we celebrated Climate Week. It has helped us to reflect on the serious problems of our planet (pollution, climate change …) and to commit ourselves to do our bit.
– At recess we are trying to reduce plastics and aluminum foil. We use tupperware or cloth bags to store our lunches, we try not to bring too many packaged products and we are replacing water bottles with canteens, which we will be able to use for a long time.
first of carlos
Methodological suggestion: Organize a daily work plan (1 h / 1 h 15 min), reflect it in a double entry chart where we will represent the progress of the day to day, it is recommended to place the chart in front of the computer to see its evolution and analyze its progress, detecting those activities that present greater difficulty and that we will repeat the next day, do not worry if after the first hour and fifteen minutes you have not completed the first round.
Do not worry if after the first hour and fifteen minutes you have not completed the first round, turn it into a challenge and the next day restart the process from the beginning, the important thing is CONSISTENCY and DAILY WORK: You will be surprised the next day when you notice that you overcome the first activities more easily and quickly, thus achieving significant learning through continuous feed-back.
Unit 2ª.- We observe the world in which we live.the Earth, its parts and some phenomena that occur on it.the globe.inland landscapes.coastal landscapes.conventional symbols.different types of maps.
piece by piece
Hello everybody, as I told you, I am uploading some short readings for you to enjoy with them. You can listen to it as an audio story, video story or choose the interactive story option and you will have to turn the pages as if it were a paper book. Just click on the image of the story and it will take you directly to it. I hope you enjoy it and have a happy holiday season! SIMBAD THE SEA SEABORNE AND THE WONDERFUL LAMPTHE HAMELIN FAUTISTTHE ZAPATERO AND THE DUELS
Hello everyone! I upload some activities that can be very useful to prepare for the Language test. You don’t need to send them, but you do need to send the answers of the reading «EL RATÓN DEL GRANERO», I encourage you to review the dictation that comes in the entry of December 7.
Hello everyone, in this entry you can check the homework we have done today in case you missed any of it or you could not come to class.3ºA: Activities 1 to 4.3ºB:NOTE: THE MULTIPLICATION PUZZLE MUST BE RESOLVED AFTER STUDYING THE TABLES AND IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SEND IT TO THE MAIL.
mathematics for 3rd grade
Here you have some files with activities to do during the summer. Click on the images to download the language and math files to your computer, then you can print all or the sheets you want. And remember:- Schedule your time well and try to do some Math and Language activities every day.
Worksheets to overcome difficulties in reading comprehension, writing and mathematics in 3rd grade of primary school. It also includes material to effectively prepare for exams and to learn study techniques.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.