Evocacion santillana aula virtual
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There will also be a significant improvement in the digital products associated with the Mate+ and Lengua+ series, as well as new projects for Primary (Santillana Proyectos series) and Infants (Cuánto Sabemos 3.0 series).
Since its inception, Santillana has been committed to a revolution in the educational market and is working to achieve it. That is why it is working on highly innovative digital products that stand out for their didactic possibilities and their operation, with the aim of enriching education.
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También habrá una importante mejora en los productos digitales asociados a las series Mate+ y Lengua+, así como nuevos proyectos para Primaria (serie Santillana Proyectos) e Infantil (serie Cuánto Sabemos 3.0).
Desde sus inicios, Santillana apuesta por una revolución en el mercado educativo y trabaja para conseguirlo. Por ello, trabaja en productos digitales altamente innovadores que destacan por sus posibilidades didácticas y su funcionamiento, con el objetivo de enriquecer la educación.
1 Procedimiento de puesta en marcha del Aula Virtual Santillana: alumnos Introducción En este documento se describe el procedimiento de instalación y puesta en marcha del Aula Virtual en el ordenador de los alumnos, desde la creación del usuario hasta la conexión con los profesores. El procedimiento se describe con la versión de escritorio del AV (Windows, Mac o Linux). Esta versión es la recomendada para empezar porque es más fácil crear los grupos e introducir los datos con un ordenador que con una tableta. Cómo conseguir la aplicación La versión de escritorio se puede obtener desde la web digital.santillana.es, pinchando en el botón Aula Virtual de la parte superior de la página. Procedimiento de instalación AV Estudiantes Página 1 de 11
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The e-vocation educational community already has more than 70,000 users and almost 6,000 resources. The portal has a Library section, where you can find complementary texts for classes; the Training section, where seminars are offered (both online and face-to-face); the Educational Resources section, where all the materials shared by teachers are uploaded; and the My Leisure section, focused on teachers themselves and their management of free time, with travel offers, ideas for leisure, etc.
Santillana has created a specific web portal for the contest, as well as different social networks to inform participants (and anyone interested in educational and teaching innovation) about all the progress of the contest.
The registration period for the contest will remain open until April 30, 2016. Participants are required to be active and teaching in a school at a national level and in one of the 3 categories awarded in the contest.
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Who doesn’t like to play? That is the reason why including it in the classroom gives very good results to motivate students and get them to learn what will help them to function in society. In this article originally published in Ruta Maestra, the game is praised as a powerful learning tool.
Society is advancing while education has remained stuck in the 19th century. Technology has come into the lives of our young people and we want to look the other way and ignore that their world is governed by other motivations very different from those that moved us.
Thus, education has to change and adapt to the reality that surrounds us so that our students are truly competent and can face the challenges of the 21st century. And here comes the game and gamification as elements that we include in the classroom to attract the attention of our young people for topics that, in principle, do not interest them and become a workhorse to deal with on a daily basis.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.