Evocacion santillana biblioteca del profesorado
Evocacion santillana digital books
Among the mechanisms implemented for the collection of information, the following stand out: obtaining the consent of the Academic Coordination of the CBP to carry out the research work; selecting informants who agreed to participate in the study; informing the teaching staff involved about the purpose of the interviews; having a thematic script of questions; arranging an environment and exclusive time for the interview; foreseeing and having the necessary means to ensure the success of the information collection; start the interview in a dynamic way and achieve the acceptance of the recording; control the time and avoid misplacement or dispersion in the interviewed subjects; maintain an assertive and open dialogue; in the case of written narratives, set a time for delivery; end the interview cordially and start the transcription, note some details such as phrases, repetitions, omissions, hesitations, gesticulations and ways of expressing oneself.
-In the area of Physical Education in one of my learning sessions I asked them for materials such as cones, ropes, hoops and the actions developed were so fun and diversified since fifty percent of the process was planned by me and the other fifty percent were spontaneous ideas or creativity of the students themselves and the most remarkable thing is that students in each of the following sessions have shown more enthusiasm and actions with good positive creative activities and students at the end have felt happy and satisfied.
Santillana virtual classroom
Santillana has created a specific web portal for the contest, as well as different social networks to inform participants (and anyone interested in educational and teaching innovation) about all the progress of the contest.
3 Achieve exam success with Richmond Publishing’s new Bachillerato course. provides students with the tools they need for the PAU, and for a lifetime of independent language learning. With its authentic texts and emphasis on real-life situations, it motivates students to use English as a communication tool. 3
Santillana en línea
Presentamos un informe parcial de investigación en el campo de la Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas, en el que participaron tres profesores uruguayos de matemáticas en formación. El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar qué patrones de interacción prevalecían en sus clases, entre los descritos por el Enfoque Interaccionista en la Formación de Profesores de Matemática. Se observaron y grabaron en vídeo las clases de tres profesores de matemáticas en formación. Se desarrollaron en el último año de su práctica docente. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de algunos episodios de dos de los tres alumnos que participaron en el estudio. Estos episodios fueron seleccionados atendiendo al patrón de interacción que configuraron, así como al conocimiento a tratar y al momento de la clase en que se configuraron. Concluimos que los profesores en formación configuraron estos patrones cuando pretendían evocar o institucionalizar un enunciado matemático. Proponemos el análisis de la interacción social como herramienta para considerar estas cuestiones en la formación de profesores de matemáticas.
Santillana projectes
THE TEACHER’S GUIDE TO THE CLASSROOMOMOZART3.0HOW MUCH WE KNOW! The perfect ally to make your educational task easierWhat is it? e-vocation is the exclusive program for Santillana’s teacher clients that contains all the didactic resources for each subject.Access them with a single click. Classroom didactic programming. Guide. Reinforcement and extension cards. Songs. Auditions. digital book. more educational resources. don’t miss out on everything you need for your day to day in the classroom! Register by following these steps:1Go to e-vocacion.es and click on Register.2Fill in your personal information.3Fill in your teaching information.4You will receive a welcome e-mail confirming your registration.If you are already an e-vocation user, you can update your teaching information in My Personal Area to start the course.
7 Basic. Lenguaje lectora CARS STARS nivel F Ziemax Todos junto, lengua y literatura séptimo básico, editorial Santillana Ciencias Naturales Ciencias Naturales 7 Básico. Proyecto todos juntos. Editorial Santillana Matemática Matemática 7 Básico. Santillana. Todos juntos Editorial Santillana History, Geography and Social Sciences.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.