Institucion la salle sallenet

Institucion la salle sallenet

sallenet sacred heart

La Salle is a founding member of the Ramon Llull UniversityLa Salle Campus Barcelona offers specialized university education in Architecture, Engineering and Business Management with more than three centuries of experience.

The Heroic VowJohn Baptist pronounces the Heroic Vow, a commitment that will keep the Brothers’ society united until the end of their lives. After a turbulent period, John Baptist was removed as Superior of the Brothers and left for Paris. It was not until 1714 that the association became aware of his indispensable figure and asked him to return to govern the Institute.

The Mission Statement reflects our identity: what we are and what we want as an Institution. The main objective is to promote a human and Christian education, attending especially to the needs of the most vulnerable people and social demands. From the questions of our students we give birth to the school’s answers.

We consider education as a collective task and social service, a tool for transformation and improvement. For this reason, we work in a network maintaining a close relationship between schools and also with our own social, cultural, economic and ecclesial environment. The Character Proper reflects our identity, along with the desire to serve children, youth and society with the full involvement of the entire educational community.

la salle sacred heart

In a coordinated manner among all the centers that make up the network of educational and socio-educational works, and keeping in mind the Brothers’ communities, La Salle has agreed on a protocol of action that places at the center of its priorities the care and protection of our students, families, educators, members of the administration and services and Brothers.

Among other actions to be carried out are those of facilitating, as far as possible, teleworking, replacing all face-to-face meetings that allow it with videoconferencing, the adoption of measures that allow the continuity of the teaching activity via telematics with permanent attention by educators to the needs that students or families may raise, and the suspension or postponement of forums, meetings or assemblies of the various district teams that involved the physical displacement of numerous people and their coexistence during their development.

In addition, under the hastag #LaSalleEnCasa, the institution wants to raise awareness in their social networks in favor of the need to avoid all actions that contribute to the spread and spread of the coranavirus.

la salle fp

The values that guide our reflection this year are acceptance and acceptance, and the motto chosen to mark the route for the coming months is «You are at home», a sample of what La Salle and Inmaculada represents and wants to be for all those who come to it and for all those who are part of what it is as an institution.

We all need to feel accepted and accepted, that is why La Salle educates from otherness, from the other, from acceptance, from choice and from care. This education in otherness has a social dimension that involves a response to a singular and concrete other, being a reflection of who we are and how we live or how we relate to people. The person continues to be at the center of our educational proposal and from this position in value we build our model.

This course presents itself as a new opportunity for us, as Lasallians, to realize the utopia of living in a just world, in solidarity and which has the other and the difference as sources of mutual enrichment and not as a source of estrangement.

la salle madrid

La Salle is an institution established in almost a hundred countries that is dedicated to education based on human and Christian values.  Among its objectives is to promote the development of abilities, skills and abilities to become autonomous, competent, creative and involved in building a more just and caring society.  As an institution, it is open to the environment and attentive to the demands and needs of the educational, labor and business world, as well as committed to carrying out its project as an educational community.  For this purpose, it has a team of professional and human quality focused on continuous improvement and innovation.

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