Mapas interactivos didactalia europa

Mapas interactivos didactalia europa

mapas interactivos de europa montañas y rios

Relieve de Extremadura [básico] (2) Relieve de Extremadura [intermedio] (2) Relieve de Extremadura [avanzado] (2) Rios de Extremadura [básico] (2) Rios de Extremadura [intermedio] (2) Rios de Extremadura [avanzado] (2) Embalses de Extremadura (2) Ciudades de Extremadura [básico] (2) Ciudades de Extremadura [avanzado] (2)

Relieve de Extremadura [básico] (1) Relieve de Extremadura [intermedio] (1) Relieve de Extremadura [avanzado] (1) Rios de Extremadura [básico] (1) Rios de Extremadura [intermedio] (1) Rios de Extremadura [avanzado] (1) Embalses de Extremadura (1) Ciudades de Extremadura [básico] (1) Ciudades de Extremadura [avanzado] (1)

Distritos federales [федеральные округа](1) Capitales de distrito federal [столицы округов](1) Distrito Central [Центральный ф. о.](1) Distrito Noroeste [Северо-Западный ф.о.](1) Distrito del Volga [Приволжский ф. о.] (1) Distrito Sur [Южный ф.о.] (1) Distrito Cáucaso N.[Приволжский ф.о.] (1) Distrito del Ural [Уральский ф. о.] (1) Distrito de Siberia [Сибирский ф.о.] (1) Lejano Oriente [Дальневосточный ф.о.] (1)

map to play provinces

With this interactive map you can learn the exact location of each of them. You can find information about tourism in the area in the section «Tourism in Europe». The map information is available in several languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, English, Dutch, German, Arabic, Japanese …

HOW TO CHALLENGE: From the ranking section of each game, under the map image, you can challenge the players you see (at the moment, the best players and those who have achieved a similar score to yours). You will see who you have challenged and if they have accepted or not in the My geography games section (displayed in the top left of the screen, under your profile image).

Physical maps of Europe and Asia – Interactive activities. Students of 1stESO also have this week control of physical maps. To work on Europe I leave you two links with very interesting activities and maps. Toporopa: Geography Games of Europe. Interactive Flash Maps by Enrique Alonso: Europe.

didactalia interactive maps provinces of spain

Do you know what is the name of each european country shown on the map? Test yourself with this interactive map, you have to choose the right answer from a list of several options.Zoom in or zoom out the map in order to adjust it to the size of your desktop’s device. You also can click on it and drag to centre the image.

I would like you to make a game of Europe «what is it called?» in which the players have to write the name of the country/capital for more difficulty. Thanks, anyway all the games I have tried have helped me to get A’s in my exams.

Hi José Ángel: We are glad that it has been useful for you, the most important thing is to learn! Getting to make the map without fail in such a record time as the first ones is another matter that depends on the digital agility, the device/resolution used,…

mapa de europa países

para facilitar el aprendizaje de la geografía física y política. Incluye mapas de España y sus autonomías, de Europa y sus países, de la Unión Europea, de Asia, de África y de América y sus países. El proyecto, con mapas en 10 idiomas, forma parte de Didactalia (GNOSS).

. RIAM es una empresa que desarrolla tecnología semántica para la creación de redes especializadas y mercados enlazados. Mapas interactivos ofrece una selección de 841 mapas (noviembre de 2012). Incluye un motor de búsqueda basado en facetas y contextos enriquecidos. Ambos son desarrollos de GNOSS.

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