Mapas interactivos didactalia relieve de españa

Mapas interactivos didactalia relieve de españa

set of maps

First of all is to make a clarification if you want to see well and correctly the maps and games of this “post”. Interactive maps or the didactalia website have a lot of different types of maps but you should know that this content can only be viewed on a desktop PC or laptop. It is not possible from a tablet, whatever type it is.

Let’s study geography with these interesting maps and interactive tools to know a little bit more about our regions and provinces in Spain. In the following links (click on the titles) you have applications and exercises that will be very useful to train your geographic knoledge skills.

didactalia europe rivers

Try to figure where is located on the map each item of the spanish physical relief given.Zoom in or zoom out the map in order to adjust it to the size of your desktop’s device. You also can click on it and drag to centre the image.

Aver, stop saying that the first ones have hacks, they just know everything by heart and they will do it on a tablet or a laptop with touch screen, they will also have been practicing for hours to achieve that record so stop saying that they have ”haks”.

Good morning, Maria. We have just tested the game and it works fine for us. Sometimes, if the connection is slow or maybe you are playing far away from the modem, the game may take a couple of seconds to respond. Anyway we are sure you have done very well 🙂

aprende geografía

¿Sabes cómo se llama cada elemento geográfico que aparece en el mapa? Ponte a prueba con este mapa interactivo, tienes que elegir la respuesta correcta de una lista de varias opciones.Acerca o aleja el mapa para ajustarlo al tamaño de tu dispositivo de escritorio. También puedes pulsar sobre él y arrastrar para centrar la imagen.

Para lo que tengais problemas para usarlo, es posible que vuestro navegador no tenga permitido los elementos emergentes o posiblemente sea el flash. Por ejemplo a mi en el internet explorer no me funciona pero si uso Opera si me funciona. Todo depende de la configuración del navegador. Probado con otro si teneis, o probad con la configuración del que useis.

rivers of europe interactive map

Do you remember the name of Spain’s mountains and rivers? here you have some interactive games . You can play as many times as you need.                Let’s practice!!! more games:

TELLING THE TIMERWe spend the hours. If you can, print the cards and paste them in your English notebook. If you can’t, write the activities in your notebook.ACTIVITY BOOK page 65 exercise 1Click on the picture


TOPIC 3THE HUMAN BODYWe start a new topic reviewing the vital functions of living things. do you remember what they are? to remember them we will read page 46 of the book and watch a video. then make and send the card that follows. You can use the book to help you.

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