Paises de europa didactalia

Paises de europa didactalia

mapas interactivos didactalia rios europa

Relieve de Extremadura [básico] (2) Relieve de Extremadura [intermedio] (2) Relieve de Extremadura [avanzado] (2) Rios de Extremadura [básico] (2) Rios de Extremadura [intermedio] (2) Rios de Extremadura [avanzado] (2) Embalses de Extremadura (2) Ciudades de Extremadura [básico] (2) Ciudades de Extremadura [avanzado] (2)

Relieve de Extremadura [básico] (1) Relieve de Extremadura [intermedio] (1) Relieve de Extremadura [avanzado] (1) Rios de Extremadura [básico] (1) Rios de Extremadura [intermedio] (1) Rios de Extremadura [avanzado] (1) Embalses de Extremadura (1) Ciudades de Extremadura [básico] (1) Ciudades de Extremadura [avanzado] (1)

Distritos federales [федеральные округа](1) Capitales de distrito federal [столицы округов](1) Distrito Central [Центральный ф. о.](1) Distrito Noroeste [Северо-Западный ф.о.](1) Distrito del Volga [Приволжский ф. о.] (1) Distrito Sur [Южный ф.о.] (1) Distrito Cáucaso N.[Приволжский ф.о.] (1) Distrito del Ural [Уральский ф. о.] (1) Distrito de Siberia [Сибирский ф.о.] (1) Lejano Oriente [Дальневосточный ф.о.] (1)

interactive map of european capitals

Do you know what is the name of each european country shown on the map? Test yourself with this interactive map, you have to choose the right answer from a list of several options.Zoom in or zoom out the map in order to adjust it to the size of your desktop’s device. You also can click on it and drag to centre the image.

I would like you to make a game of Europe «what is it called?» in which the players have to write the name of the country/capital for more difficulty. Thanks, anyway all the games I have tried have helped me to get A’s in my exams.

Hi José Ángel: We are glad that it has been useful for you, the most important thing is to learn! Getting to make the map without fail in such a record time as the first ones is another matter that depends on the digital agility, the device/resolution used,…

interactive maps didactalia

The links in this article to Enrique Alonso’s interactive flash maps have been undergoing changes of location. For a while they were even referenced in a very direct way and with free access in Didactalia at the address Later, in order to use them, it was necessary to register in Didactalia.

At this time, it is difficult to make a detailed review, so keep in mind that many of the links may not correspond to the expected or initially linked content.

Thanks to those of you who visit the blog. It is an article that I hope will at least serve as an orientation, but it must be emphasized that the really important work corresponds to the author of the maps. Without them, it would not have been possible to create this list of links. My enormous congratulations to Enrique Alonso, best regards.

First of all, congratulations, Enrique, the work with the maps is a great example of dedication and dedication and there are many users and students who are benefiting from this great work! Thank you very much for the notice. I have modified the introduction of the article accordingly. I will try to review it in detail later, although I must admit that it will be difficult for me because I stopped updating links long ago due to lack of time availability.the link to the individual maps does not seem to regards:Antonio Ruiz

political map europe

Try to locate on the map the location of each country in Europe which you have been asked for.zoom in or zoom out the map in order to adjust it to the size of your desktop’s device. You also can click on it and drag to centre the image.

Good morning, Manuel. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia are halfway between Europe and Asia, hence we did not include them in our first version of the map. However, we will review their situation in the continent and include them if appropriate since, culturally, they are usually counted as part of it. We hope that soon you can enjoy a new version of the game in case we finally include them. Best regards.

Good morning, Joseva. We are currently in the process of updating content so it is very likely that soon you will be able to enjoy tournaments. In the meantime, do you dare with other similar maps? 🙂

I really like this application because people can study this way but sometimes when I start the map and put some countries on it, I don’t know if it’s my laptop or the application, but the rest is very good, it helps a lot 🙂

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