Podcats la rosa de los vientos

Podcats la rosa de los vientos

wind rose online

Elon Musk will implant microchips in the heads of humans in 2022. Josep Guijarro talks in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ about the possible imminent future effects, as well as about some circumstances in which he exposes this possibility, such as, for example, encounters with extraterrestrials.

Fernando Rueda reveals in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ some of the most hidden secrets of the actress, vedette and TV presenter Bárbara Rey. He comments on the appearance in the Senate of this woman who allegedly had an affair with the king emeritus, Juan Carlos I, and tries to reveal whether she received millions of funds from the CESID-CNI.

wind rose for children

Elon Musk will implant microchips in the heads of humans in 2022. Josep Guijarro talks in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ about the possible imminent future effects, as well as about some circumstances in which he exposes this possibility, such as, for example, encounters with extraterrestrials.

Fernando Rueda reveals in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ some of the most hidden secrets of the actress, vedette and TV presenter Bárbara Rey. He comments on the appearance in the Senate of this woman who allegedly had an affair with the king emeritus, Juan Carlos I, and tries to reveal if she received millions from the CESID-CNI funds.

flower of the winds

The sinking of the Titanic, the unsinkable ship – I Podcast about the Titanic, and its sinking in its initial voyage, when it hit an iceberg. Considered by all at the time as the unsinkable ship even by God, it met a sad end a few…

Nazi Esotericism – Gestation Podcast about Nazi Esotericism, and its early gestation. Through this monographic zone zero we will know the beginnings of the birth of the National Socialist ideas from its esoteric and magical side, which they believed in an esoteric and magical…

compass rose drawing

Elon Musk will implant microchips in the heads of humans in 2022. Josep Guijarro talks in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ about the possible imminent future effects, as well as about some circumstances in which he exposes this possibility, such as, for example, encounters with extraterrestrials.

Fernando Rueda reveals in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ some of the most hidden secrets of the actress, vedette and TV presenter Bárbara Rey. He comments on the appearance in the Senate of this woman who allegedly had an affair with the king emeritus, Juan Carlos I, and tries to reveal if she received millions of funds from the CESID-CNI.

Fernando Rueda explains in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ how journalists and analysts such as Assange and Snowden and their current successors, Frances Haugen and Sophie Zhang, or Barton Gelliman, are persecuted and judged “for telling us the truth that governments and other organizations do not want to be known”.

The filmmaker Rodrigo Cortés presents in ‘La rosa de los vientos’ his new film: El amor en su lugar, a film inspired by the reality experienced by the thousands of Jews who in November 1940 were imprisoned in the Warsaw ghetto. Together with our film expert, José Manuel Escribano, they go through the story told in the film to explain what lies behind the fiction on our screens.

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