Reported speech 1 bachillerato
Indirect to direct style
Forty-four adolescents, 54% boys. Smoking relaxes and improves personal image: it gives security (boys) and improves relationships with the opposite sex, in addition to weight control (girls). The family favors smoking by imitation of behavior, although it does not normalize it. Friends constitute a pressure group for the initiation/maintenance of consumption. The beginning of secondary education marks the beginning of experimental consumption. Society tends to normalize consumption and it is easy for minors to buy tobacco. College students are role models, with freedom to use. They ask for an example of abstinence from parents and educators/health professionals, say they are well informed, but remember only shocking messages. They unanimously indicate that tobacco causes addiction, but in proportion to the time of consumption; they are only concerned about the immediate symptoms caused by smoking. Adolescent smokers associate polydrug use with leisure time.
Estilo indirecto español
El discurso indirecto se centra más en el contenido de lo que alguien dijo que en sus palabras exactas.En el discurso indirecto , la estructura de la cláusula informada depende de si el hablante está informando una declaración, una pregunta o un comando.
Informar preguntas- whLos informes indirectos de preguntas- wh consisten en una cláusula de informe y una cláusulainformada que comienza con una palabra wh ( quién, qué, cuándo, dónde, por qué, cómo ). Nousamos un signo de interrogación:
Me aconsejaron que esperara hasta el día siguiente. (declaración original: ‘Deberías esperar hasta el día siguiente’). El guardia nos advirtió que no entráramos en la zona. (enunciado original: ‘No debes entrar en la zona’).
En estos ejemplos, el presente (am) se ha convertido en el pasado (was), el futuro (will) se ha convertido en el futuro-en-el-pasado (would) y el pasado (happened) se ha convertido en el pasado perfecto (had happened). Los tiempos se han «desplazado» o «retrocedido» en el tiempo.
Puede que vuelva más tarde’, dijo Ella dijo que podría volver más tarde. se convierte en podría ‘Podéis esperar en el pasillo’, dijo Él. el pasillo. se convierte en podría
Indirect style question
Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your child when talking about the school day. It’s good to know the location of the main office, nurse’s office, cafeteria, gymnasium, athletic fields, auditorium and special classes.
Many teachers have their own websites that provide access to textbooks and other resources, including homework assignments and assessment dates. In addition, district, school, or teacher websites often offer special resources for parents and students.
During middle school, homework tends to be more intense and the time your child must spend on it is likely to be longer than during elementary school. In general, he or she will have to spend one to two hours a day doing homework.
Encourage your child to ask for help when he or she needs it. Most teachers are available to offer additional help or to stay after school, and may be able to recommend other resources.
Indirect style exercises b2
The descriptive analysis makes it possible to establish a first categorization of some of the strategic resources used by interpreters. In the face of a prominent appearance of active mediation strategies and a lesser presence of interpreting techniques, the author argues for the importance of drawing the difference between intercultural mediation and interpreting in contexts such as the one studied to ensure transparency and autonomy of the parties. She also stresses the importance of training future interpreters to be aware of the importance of making strategic decisions when solving problems.
This article examines the strategic behavior of the Chinese-Spanish public services interpreter-mediator in the socio-educational setting when faced with various types of problems (lexical, cultural, pragmatic, arising from the management of the conversation, and ethical and professional issues). The data were obtained from fifteen filmed simulations which recreated situations that frequently arise in interpreting in the socio-educational field. The data were supplemented by an initial questionnaire and a retrospective interview for the five participants in the study.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.