Www smconectados com primaria

Www smconectados com primaria

sm aprendizaje app

La educación está cambiando a pasos agigantados y no sólo los centros educativos se están dando cuenta de ello, son las propias empresas educativas y editoriales las que deben adaptarse al nuevo ritmo de aprendizaje de los alumnos, pero también a las nuevas tecnologías. Las nuevas tecnologías están en nuestras vidas para quedarse y esto es una realidad que todos los profesionales deben tener en cuenta a la hora de planificar el aprendizaje de los alumnos.
A los chicos y chicas de todas las edades les gustan las nuevas tecnologías, porque además de ser más atractivas, les ayudan a estar conectados con su aprendizaje. SMConectados es una iniciativa de la editorial SM que, sin duda, está teniendo mucho éxito y es un gran acierto para padres, alumnos y profesionales.
SMConectados es una plataforma online en la que tanto profesionales como padres y alumnos disponen de un sinfín de contenidos para fomentar el aprendizaje y el trabajo interactivo. Es una web que está siempre en movimiento, es decir, se actualiza con los contenidos y actividades necesarias para que los niños tengan buenos recursos a los que acceder.
Está enfocada a todos los niveles escolares en los que trabaja esta editorial, que van desde infantil hasta bachillerato. Actualmente, esta plataforma cuenta con nada menos que 265375 profesores registrados y son muchas las familias que también acceden a diario para trabajar los conocimientos de sus hijos.

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CB1 – That students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study.
CB2 – That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
CB3 – That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CE4 – Ability to promote autonomous learning of students in light of the objectives and contents of the corresponding educational level, developing strategies that avoid exclusion and discrimination.

sm foundation

It is designed for primary school students, parents and teachers, because with this app they can work and watch the videos as many times as they need, rewind and stop to better understand the content.
It can also be used for the reinforcement of those students who need it and have difficulties in the acquisition of the contents they are working on. This Flipped Classroom methodology is very positive and beneficial for them.
Teachers can also enjoy educational experiences made with Genial.ly, with a section at the beginning of the app dedicated exclusively to it, having as an example all the possibilities offered by this tool.
To make the user experience in the app more flipped, there are quizzes at the end of each unit to check the understanding of the contents. These quizzes exist for the subjects of Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. The quizzes can be done in teams if you are working through Cooperative work or individually if you want to practice at home. They are made with Jeopardylabs and FlipQuiz, to make learning more fun and enjoyable. At the moment, quizzes are being developed for 4th grade in the areas of Mathematics and Language and 3rd grade for Science, Mathematics and Language. In 5th and 6th grades these quizzes are already complete in these areas and in 4th grades the Science quizzes are also available in the app.

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