Youtube el cazo de lorenzo

Youtube el cazo de lorenzo

Autism youtube

El Cazo de Lorenzo is, without a doubt, our favorite work by Isabelle Carrier, an illustrated album whose reading we consider essential, especially if we are determined to have a good «library of feelings» to strengthen the emotional intelligence of our children.

Carrying this dipper with you all the time is a problem. It gets stuck everywhere and prevents you from moving forward. And, why deny it, often people just see this dipper dragging everywhere and find it strange, even disturbing.

Of course, life with the dipper is not easy at all and Lorenzo has a hard time coping with it. Sometimes he swears, hits, or ends up punished. He is so fed up that he decides to hide for so long that, little by little, people forget about him.

El Cazo de Lorenzo is a moving read. The first time we read it, it was very difficult for me to read it without my voice trembling, I found it very tender and a life lesson, not only for Lorenzo, who must learn to live with his problem, but also for everyone else, as a society, about the role we have in making this a world in which we can all live together and be happy, with or without disabilities.

El cazo de lorenzo summary

Why is functional diversity usually associated with something negative? Why do we stereotypically believe that people with functional diversity cannot, or can but in a more difficult way, do the same as others? As the story explains, often outsiders only see the red dipper with Lorenzo on it, and that is enough information to create misconceptions. I believe that those who do not know this world intimately are missing out on something extraordinary and worth exploring because they would discover unimaginable things here.

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The meaning dipper

This animated short film raises different issues around which students have the opportunity to reflect: consumerism, the picaresque, how we sometimes give too much importance to appearances…

The short film ‘The biggest flower in the world’ is based on a story written by Nobel Prize winner José Saramago. It so happens that this short film (made with the stop-motion technique) has the collaboration of Saramago himself, who gives voice to the story that is told and, in addition, has his own character. It calls for solidarity and human relations in a world where the lack of ideals, selfishness and individualism prevail over other feelings.

It is an interesting proposal that will surely attract the attention of students. Values such as respect or dignity are dealt with in this short film that also raises other fears and fears that we all (at one time or another) have had to face: the need to feel accepted by others, to break through the barriers that we often put ourselves and that prevent us from reaching our desires…

For four little corners of nothing pdf

This is an ideal story to talk with our children, to allow them to ask questions and clarify their doubts about how others and themselves do things, the challenges for some people to achieve some things that for others are innate, easy or obvious.

This part of the story is something that is close to our hearts. My son with hemiparesis has a hard time walking up and down stairs, going to playground games…and most people don’t understand the effort it takes for him to achieve each milestone.

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#storieschildren’s storiesrespectful storiessigning storiesDisabilitydiversityFunctional Diversityeducation in valuesHemiparesischildhood hemiparesiswe read sign languagechildren’s booksbooks to educate in respect for diversityserespetovalues

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