

Taxes in spain

If you are not sure of the tax you need to purchase to carry out your procedure, we can help you. Through simple questions our assistant will guide you until you find the tax you need to carry out your procedure.

In some of our online procedures it is possible to buy the fee at the time of the procedure. In the same way, if you are going to do the procedure in person, you will be able to buy the fee with any credit or debit card at the counter at the time of the procedure.

If you are not sure of the fee you need to purchase for your transaction, we can help you. Through simple questions our virtual rate wizard will guide you until you find the rate you need.

2. Generate purchase estimate – Form 791 (‘Generate estimate’ option).  If you are going to buy the fees in a bank you can previously generate the budget and download in pdf the form 791 to deliver it directly to your bank.

5. Request for refund of a fee.  If you have paid a fee and you identify any anomaly or incident subject to claim (such as duplicity in the payment, the fee paid is higher than the one requested, the procedure was not subject to the fee or any other type of situation), you can request a refund of the amount of a fee that you have paid.

Spanish tax authorities

The General Tax Law is the central axis of the tax system, where its essential principles are set out and the relations between the Tax Administration and taxpayers are regulated.

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In 1995, the need to incorporate the constitutional jurisprudence to the aforementioned law and the convenience of updating it in matters of tax procedures, as well as other purposes such as that of promoting the spontaneous compliance of tax obligations, that of contemplating the powers of the management bodies to carry out provisional liquidations ex officio, that of incorporating new instruments to fight against tax evasion and avoidance, and that of incorporating new instruments to combat tax evasion and avoidance, the incorporation of new instruments to combat tax fraud and the revision of the system of infringements and penalties, led to a major reform being undertaken by Law 25/1995, of July 20, 1995, on the Partial Amendment of the General Tax Law.

In short, the pre-constitutional nature of Law 230/1963, of December 28, 1963, General Tax Law, the need to regulate the tax management procedures currently used, the excessive dispersion of tax regulations, the convenience of adapting the functioning of the Administration to the new technologies and the need to reduce the conflict in tax matters made it advisable to definitively address the enactment of a new General Tax Law.

Declaración de la renta 2021

La Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT), comúnmente conocida como Agencia Tributaria, es el servicio de ingresos del Reino de España. La agencia es responsable de la aplicación efectiva de los sistemas tributarios y aduaneros nacionales y de aquellos recursos de otras Administraciones Públicas y de la Unión Europea cuya gestión le sea encomendada por ley o convenio[3].

Para la investigación, persecución y represión del contrabando y otros delitos relacionados con la delincuencia organizada, el narcotráfico o el blanqueo de capitales cuenta con un organismo policial, el Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera.

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Por lo tanto, la Agencia Tributaria tiene la obligación de aplicar el sistema tributario de forma que se cumpla el principio constitucional en virtud del cual toda persona debe contribuir al sostenimiento de los gastos públicos en función de su capacidad económica. Sin embargo, no tiene competencias para la elaboración y aprobación de normas tributarias ni puede asignar, en el aspecto del gasto público, los recursos públicos entre los distintos fines. La función de gestión integral del sistema tributario estatal y aduanero se materializa en un amplio conjunto de actividades, entre las que se encuentran las siguientes:

Social security

Attached is the information sent by AEAT Labor Relations for the request for authorization of non-face-to-face modality to be completed by those who intend to perform non-face-to-face work and have tasks that can be performed in this modality.

Attached is Information Sheet 54-2021 regarding the meeting of the Training Agreement Follow-up Commission. We also attach the provisional evaluation report of the 2021 Training Plan as of September 24 and the document «Decentralized Training 2021.

The syllabus for Internal Promotion Officer 1 Trades, Officer 2 Trades, Officer 1 Reprographics, Customs Foreman, Subordinate Personnel Coordinator; Arrumbador The syllabus for access by internal promotion are already available in the Virtual Classroom. Attached is the link to the Virtual Classroom:

Attached is the Information Sheet 52-2021 regarding the constitution of the Evaluation Commission for the 2021 G01 competition (Group A2 non CTH). We also attach the provisional lists and the list of applicants for conciliation.

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