Como vender en todocoleccion

Como vender en todocoleccion

Todocoleccion libros

Estoy intentando comprar un bolígrafo en y básicamente lo añado a mi cesta y hago clic en comprar, y, bueno, nada. No me pide los datos de la tarjeta, sólo dice «vendido». Veo el artículo en mi lista de «cosas compradas».

Como yo… más o menos lo entiendo, un vendedor muestra sus cosas como lo hace ebay, y una vez que «compras» el artículo, la venta real tiene lugar fuera del sitio, ya sea a través de transferencia bancaria, en efectivo en la mano, o lo que sea. No hay Paypal, no hay PCI DSS, no hay forma real *en el sitio web* de pagar por los bienes.

Contact todocoleccion

Although the Extraordinary Summer Auction ( is an annual event in todocoleccion, this is a special edition marked by the complicated current situation, which has caused a considerable increase in the number of lots and participating sellers.

So much so, that in this edition around 1,300 dealers participate and have about 75,000 lots, with starting prices ranging from 0.01 cents to 24,000 euros, have detailed to Europa Press. As for the most prominent sections, books and collectible toys are those that acquire greater prominence.

The current limitations to traditional trade have led traders from different sectors to bet on online sales and auctions and see in this type of sale «a real opportunity for survival. No one wants to be left out of this type of trade».

Todocoleccion sold

The WDL presents the Liber Chronicarum as «a universal history compiled from contemporary and older sources by the Nuremberg doctor, humanist and bibliophile Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514). It is one of the most densely illustrated and technically advanced books of early printing.»

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The views of the towns, «some authentic, some invented or copied from older models, are of artistic and topographical interest.» Many of the illustrations are topographical views of cities done in large format, most notably the map of Ptolemy and another of Central and Eastern Europe . ANTIQUARIAN AND SECOND-HAND BOOK WEEK

Of the lots that go on sale and auction in the ‘ Week of the Old and Second-hand Book’ ( that is celebrated in from this Monday, day 5, until October 11, this incunabulum is one of the most emblematic.

«The good reception of this initiative has been unanimous» in the sector of antiquarian bookstores, which find in e-commerce «a complement to their face-to-face activity», said the spokesman of todocoleccion, which expects to exceed in October «the good data obtained during the Book Week, organized in April by todocoleccion, in which more than 14,000 lots were marketed».

Todocoleccion review

There are many online platforms dedicated to collecting, but undoubtedly the portal par excellence is Todocoleccion. This marketplace gives us the possibility to buy and sell real jewels that will take us to other times.

It is indisputable that we live in the era of «a picture is worth a thousand words» so, if we want collectors to look at our products we have to upload good quality images. If we can publish more than one image to show the details, so much the better.

There are two ways to build trust: the first is to use sincere and detailed descriptions (including the defects of the item, if any), and the second is to answer questions from potential buyers. In this way we convey closeness and humanity.

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Once the sale has been finalized, we advise you to contact the buyer to find out if he/she is satisfied. If the sale has been positive, you can use this moment to ask for a review. It is essential to have positive opinions so that other users of the community are encouraged to buy.

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