Cursos inem junta de andalucia
Renew employment demand
Official mobile application of the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) of the Andalusian Regional Government, this is an application for users of the Andalusian Employment Service. Through AppSAE you can make arrangements related to the employment demand such as check the status of your demand; get the date of the next renewal or renew or re-register.You can also check your pending appointments with the employment office; request a new appointment or modify or cancel one already made. In the same way, you can access by geolocation to the information regarding the employment office to which you are assigned, know the access route and search and locate on the map the employment points and orientation units closest to your position.Likewise, the user can consult the job advertisements in diffusion and register in the offers or send your curriculum vitae. To access the application, the user must install it on his/her mobile device and use his/her credentials (password and PIN) to identify him/herself. These credentials are provided by the Andalusian Employment Service as the institution responsible for confirming the identity of the person.
Sae renew demand
The Junta de Andalucía, through the Andalusian Employment Service, SAE, publishes new free online courses to help you get a job. Signing up is quite simple and in many of them you will have a certificate of professionalism when you finish.
To apply for a place in the professional training courses coordinated by the Junta de Andalucía and given by its Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, go to the INEM website, then click on Oferta Formativa.
Keep reading because below you will find the free courses offered by the SAE. If you want to know more options to improve your professional training and get a certificate of professionalism, click on our specialized section.
Sae appointment
The Consejería de Empleo, Formación y Trabajo Autónomo, of the Junta de Andalucía, has launched a new tender for the provision of Vocational Training for Employment (FPE), with its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
Andalusia is IN training’. The training offer corresponds entirely to the delivery of training specialties which do not lead to certificates of professionalism in tele-training mode, so the centers which deliver this training program, called ‘Andalusia is IN training’, must be registered in the State Register of Training Centers and Entities of the SEPE and have the necessary accreditation for the use of tele-training platforms.
The programming of these training actions has been carried out on the basis of an analysis carried out in the eight Andalusian provinces. On the basis of this study, the professional profiles and training specialties required by the companies in the Andalusian labor market have been determined, as well as the need of the workers to alleviate the lack of English language skills, as a tool for their professional growth.
Sepe andalucía
Sep 13, 2021ContenidosCursos inem junta de andaluciaRenovación del paro sepeLa Junta ha explicado que este servicio, que se prestará en modalidad de teleformación, «contempla hasta 62 acciones formativas en toda Andalucía, cada una de ellas de 240 horas de duración» y ha asegurado que los centros que impartan este programa denominado ‘Andalucía está en formación’, «deberán estar inscritos en el Registro Estatal de Centros y Entidades de Formación del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE)» y contar con la acreditación necesaria para el uso de las plataformas de teleformación.
No obstante, la Consejería ha explicado que «también podrán participar personas ocupadas, cuyos centros de trabajo estén ubicados en Andalucía, siempre que no superen el 30 por ciento del total de participantes programados».
El contrato se divide en tres lotes, correspondientes a los tres niveles diferentes de inglés. Así, hay un total de 25 acciones del nivel B1, 25 acciones de la especialidad B2 y 12 acciones del nivel C1.Solicitud de empleoLa Junta de Andalucía, a través del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, SAE, publica nuevos cursos online gratuitos para ayudarte a conseguir un empleo. Apuntarse es bastante sencillo y en muchos de ellos tendrás un certificado de profesionalidad al terminar.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.