Ddpp de la tgss de madrid
Seguridad social cita previa
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Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Tercera) de 16 de julio de 2009.#Evangelina Gómez-Limón Sánchez-Camacho contra Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) y Alcampo SA.#Referencia prejudicial: Juzgado de lo Social nº 30 de Madrid – España.#Directiva 96/34/CE – Acuerdo marco sobre el permiso parental – Derechos adquiridos o en curso de adquisición al inicio del permiso – Mantenimiento de las prestaciones de seguridad social durante el permiso – Directiva 79/7/CEE – Principio de igualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres en materia de seguridad social – Adquisición de derechos a la pensión de invalidez permanente adquiridos durante el permiso parental.#Asunto C-537/07.
Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Tercera) de 16 de julio de 2009.Evangelina Gómez-Limón Sánchez-Camacho contra Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) y Alcampo SA.Petición de decisión prejudicial: Juzgado de lo Social nº 30 de Madrid – España.Directiva 96/34/CE – Acuerdo marco sobre el permiso parental – Derechos adquiridos o en curso de adquisición al inicio del permiso – Mantenimiento de las prestaciones de seguridad social durante el permiso – Directiva 79/7/CEE – Principio de igualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres en materia de seguridad social – Adquisición de derechos a la pensión de invalidez permanente adquiridos durante el permiso parental.Asunto C-537/07.
Calle cedaceros, 11 cita previa
These processes have recently been modified, so that, in some circumstances, the Social Security should have already refunded you what it has overcharged you. These are the different cases:
– The second of the cases is when a whole month has been paid and, in reality, you have not operated as a self-employed person during the whole of the month. In this case, the amount to be refunded is calculated and, within a maximum period of two months, the payment is made by bank transfer. This refund does not entail the payment of interest.
«This measure complies with the new Law on the Self-Employed, which modifies, among other aspects, the General Regulations on Contributions and the settlement of other Social Security rights», according to the agency.
Social security contact
Simplified Open Procedure for the service of maintenance and repair of the registration machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Open Simplified Simplified Abbreviated Procedure for the maintenance and repair service of the register machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Simplified Open Procedure for the maintenance and repair service of the register machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Social security
Simplified Open Procedure for the maintenance and repair service of the registration machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Open Simplified Simplified Abbreviated Procedure for the maintenance and repair service of the register machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Simplified Open Procedure for the maintenance and repair service of the registration machines, microfilm machines and gondolas of the Provincial Directorate of the T.G.S.S. of Madrid.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.