Ejemplo de dafo personal
a person’s opportunities
While a SWOT is a good starting point for an assessment, the disadvantage of a SWOT analysis is that it does not produce actionable results – rather it helps you understand where you are currently and how you can take your business forward.
It is important to remember that your business does not exist in a vacuum, and that you should analyze both internal and external factors. SWOT analyses allow you to get a good and complete understanding of where your business is in the overall marketplace, as well as help you identify potential opportunities to explore.
The benefit of a SWOT analysis is that you can directly compare each individual letter with its three counterparts. You can explore the relationship between your strengths and weaknesses, but you can also see how your strengths can be used to help you take advantage of opportunities and evaluate the potential of your strengths to help improve your weaknesses.
When developing a marketing plan, you should perform a SWOT analysis of your product or service. When you find out what you do better than your competitors, you can find the best way to market your product.
swot analysis
In the second part I will show you how to make an analysis with an example of a Personal SWOT so that you can see how it is done and finally I will give you some recommendations on how to make a PERSONAL SWOT together with a template so that you can do it at home.
The SWOT is a matrix that helps companies to make an analysis of the internal and external situation, to get a broader view to help them focus their business strategies, but the personal SWOT is not only a matter of companies, it also serves for different types of people, from those who want to create their own personal brand, start a business or people looking for a job.
Its function is the same as the SWOT analysis used by companies, but in this case it helps people to know themselves better and to consider the appropriate strategies for their goals, either to find a job or, in the case of freelancers, to find clients.
After doing the personal SWOT analysis, we have an overview of the situation of the person, so we can apply strategies to correct those weaknesses and try to exploit our strengths.
SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) analysis is a strategic analysis tool. It combines the study of the strengths (or «strengths») and weaknesses (or «weaknesses») of, for example, an organization, a territory or a sector with the study of the opportunities and threats of its environment, in order to define a development strategy.
Its objective is to include these internal and external factors in the strategic plan, maximizing the potential of strengths and opportunities and minimizing the effects of weaknesses and threats.
This analysis makes it possible to identify the strategic lines that can be developed. Although it is initially intended for planning purposes, in evaluation it also serves to verify that the strategy established offers a satisfactory response to the situation described in the analysis. In this sense, it can be used in evaluation:
swot analysis
As we want to correct this deficit between the wide use of SWOT Analysis, also known as SWOT, in the business vs. the personal field, we publish this article to show all the advantages of using this tool for any of us when making a personal decision.
The visual form of a SWOT analysis is a four quadrant matrix in which each quadrant lists the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the person being analyzed.
A personal interview: Am I the right person for the position? What are my personal weaknesses and how can I prepare myself in case I am asked about them in the interview? Does the position really interest me?
To grow professionally: Am I prepared to get to where I want to go? Is this the company where I should continue working? Or is a change interesting? What training should I improve? What skills should I reinforce? Is where I say I want to go really where I really want to go?
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.