Epigrafe iae 861 profesionales

Epigrafe iae 861 profesionales

Rates iae

The tax rate of said tax is determined on the basis of the rates thereof, which, together with the instructions for their application, are regulated in the bases contained in Article 86 of the aforementioned Law 39/1988, of December 28, 1988.

The purpose of this Royal Legislative Decree is, therefore, the development of the aforementioned bases and the consequent approval of the rates of the Tax on Economic Activities, as well as of the instruction for the application thereof.

By virtue thereof, pursuant to the provisions of Article 86.1 of Law 39/1988, of December 28, 1988, and the fourth final provision of Law 5/1990, of June 29, 1990, on budgetary, financial and tax measures, after a report from the National Commission of Local Administration, in agreement with the Council of State, at the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting held on September 28, 1990, the rates of the Tax on Economic Activities are hereby approved,

The rates of the Tax on Economic Activities are approved, which are included in Annex I of the present Royal Legislative Decree, as well as the instruction for the application thereof, which is included in Annex II of the same.


Comentario de LysistrataEstá ampliamente considerado como uno de los mejores encantamientos PVP para guerreros disponibles – generalmente se obtiene Cruzado o una cadena de armas, o guantes inmunes al desarme y Cruzado.El proc +200str es de 400 de poder de ataque para los guerreros y 200 de poder de ataque para los pícaros. Los portadores de dos armas que eligen encantar ambas armas pueden, y a menudo consiguen, obtener ambas armas para aumentar el poder de ataque en 800 (guerrero) o 400 (pícaro).

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Comentario por 7187He tenido que cultivar durante 14 horas antes de conseguirlo. Sólo aparece en los hechiceros y sólo están en la torre del camino, aunque ocasionalmente encontrarás uno caminando hacia el sur, lejos de la torre. Fácilmente cultivable con un mago, pícaro o cerradura.

Comentario de 7968Una fórmula a menudo cultivada. El cruzado es uno de los pocos encantamientos que realmente vale la pena, y sigue siendo barato. La mayoría de la gente se pasa días y días haciendo el trabajo. Esta fórmula tiene una tasa de caída del 0,01%. Mucha gente piensa que si matan 1k de estas turbas Spellbinder (que se encuentran a 54,23 en WPL) eventualmente conseguirán esto (ya que no sólo es un gran encanto, sino que también se vende por un buen dinero) Esto no es cierto, ya que al igual que con todas las gotas, cada turba tiene una tasa de caída del 0,01%. Así que el drop es pura suerte. Diviértete.)

Iae search engine

The Tax on Economic Activities (IAE) is a tax to which all those who develop an economic activity in our country, both individuals and legal entities, are obliged to pay.

But don’t worry, because individuals are exempt from paying this tax. That is to say, the IAE of the self-employed is exempt, you do not have to pay anything. Although you do have to choose the IAE epigraph that corresponds to your activity when you register. Now we will see it later.

In case of having to pay you must know that its collection corresponds to the local Treasuries for what will be your City council the one that will mark you the terms of voluntary period of payment via municipal ordinance.

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At the moment in which you register with the Tax Authorities, via Model 036 or 037, you have to specify the activity, or activities, that you are going to develop. This activity has to correspond to one of the headings detailed in the IAE itself in its extensive list of headings and groups.

In principle the list is very specific, but be careful! because the same activity can be qualified as professional and also as business. And this is one of the most recurrent doubts about the IAE, because the fact of creating an infrastructure around the development of your activity can derive in that, being self-employed, your activity is business and not professional.

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