Institut nacional seguretat social

Institut nacional seguretat social

Social security barcelona

To guarantee the service to the population benefiting from social security, to ensure the correct planning, administration and control of social security expenditure, as well as of the material and human resources allocated to that end.

INASS administers the budget that the State allocates annually to social security, is a national entity, has a central headquarters with five directorates, a sub-directorate, two independent departments, a section and a center, as a maximum limit of organizational units.

INASS has territorial representations (branches) in all provinces and municipalities, with the exception of the provinces of Mayabeque and Artemisa, where the function is assumed by the Labor Directorates.

Although it was one of the first Latin American countries to establish Social Security institutions, these initially responded to the interests of the national bourgeoisie. For this reason, the first insurance to be created was for the Armed Forces in 1913 and other representative sectors of the bourgeoisie aimed at making concessions to the servants of the political power.

Inss by appointment

It is a Social Security Management Entity, with its own legal personality, attached to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration through the Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions, which is responsible for the management and administration of the economic benefits of the Social Security system, with the exception of those whose management is attributed to the IMSERSO or competent services of the Autonomous Communities, as well as the recognition of the right to health care, regardless of whether the applicable legislation is national or international in nature.

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Your social security

In Case C-225/02: reference for a preliminary ruling under Article 234 EC from the Juzgado de lo Social No 3 de Orense (Spain), made by decision of 30 March 2002, received at the Court on 17 June 2002, in the proceedings between Rosa García Blanco and Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) – the Court (Second Chamber), composed of C.W.A. Timmermans, President of the Chamber, R. Schintgen, G. Arestis and J.N. Cunha Rodrigues, Judges; C. Stix-Hackl, Advocate General; R. Grass, Registrar, made an order on 17 June 2002, the operative part of which is as follows C.W.A. Timmermans, President of Chamber, and Ms. R. Silva de Lapuerta, R. Silva de Lapuerta, J.N. Cunha Rodrigues, R. Silva de Lapuerta, P. Klu

Defendants: Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS), Alcampo SA 8.3. 2008 C 64/16 1. Having regard to the fact that the granting of parental leave, in the form and to the extent freely determined by each State within the minimum limits imposed by the framework agreement on parental leave annexed to Directive 96/34/EC (1 ), is a measure to promote equality,) whether it is possible that the taking of this period of parental leave, in the case of reduced working hours and pay for the care of minor children, may affect the rights being acquired by the worker who takes parental leave and whether it may be invoked by individuals before the institutions

Social security spain

You can request an appointment from this link: Cita previa para prestaciones y otras gestiones en el INSS (click on this link and a new window will open with the official appointment system, like the one below).

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When you call the INSS appointment phone number 901106570 or 915412530 you will hear an automatic system that first reminds you that you can no longer make an appointment to be seen by phone, that is, that the appointment is to go in person to the INSS offices.

At the end of the process, after you have entered your zip code and your DNI, the system will provide you with the appointment (office, day and time), but it is also possible that it will indicate that there is no appointment available over the phone and refer you to process it online, where there are more options to choose days.    In this case, in the previous section of this guide we explained how to make an appointment online.

The Social Security has launched a simulator of the Minimum Living Income, to which you can ask questions about how the process of recognition of this aid will be and whether or not you will be entitled to it.    The Simulator is available at this official link: and has this video showing how it works:

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