Modelo ta 0521 pdf

Social security registration

MODEL TC2/19 >>PDF >> Official Forms: Social Security Contribution Bulletin. Nominal List of Workers. General Regime. Collective of Bullfighting Artists and Professionals.

MODEL TA.2S/138 | >>PDF | Official Forms: Application for registration, deregistration or variation of data of the employed worker in the General Scheme – Special System for Domestic Employees

MODEL TA48 | >>PDF | Official Forms: Application for voluntary collaboration in the payment of economic benefits for temporary incapacity due to common contingencies.

FORM TA.0521/5 | >>PDF | Official Forms: Application for registration / cancellation / variation of data in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers of partners/family members of partners or members of the administrative bodies of Capitalist Mercantile Companies.

MODEL TA.0521/6 >>PDF | Official Forms: Application for registration / deregistration / cancellation / variation of data in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers of partners of community property, civil, collective or limited partnerships.

Social security for the self-employed

The model TA 0521 is the simplified application form that must be filled in to request the registration as self-employed, the cancellation or if we want to request a modification of data.  There are different variants of model TA 0521, depending on the self-employed worker concerned: TA 0521 1: is the simplified application, which you can download below.TA 0521 2: Collaborating relative of the owner of the exploitationTA 0521 3: Religious of the Catholic ChurchTA 0521 4: Members of worker cooperativesTA 0521 5: Partners, relatives of partners or members of the administrative bodies of capitalist mercantile companies. TA 0521 6: Partners of communities of property, civil societies, limited partnerships.TA 0521 7: Application for self-employed agricultural workersTA 0521 8: Application for economically dependent self-employed workers (Trade)TA 0521: This is an Additional Sheet. Declaration of commencement or cessation of activities of the Special Social Security Scheme for self-employed workers or freelancers.  It is necessary to be registered in Infoautónomos to be able to download the form.

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If you want to know how to file Form TA 0521, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you the procedure, documentation and all the information you need to know to file this document.

The TA.0521 is a form for requesting registration, cancellation or change of data in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers. Depending on the employee making the request, this model will have different variants.

You can obtain this form at any Social Security Treasury office or download it from the web platform of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. To fill in different versions of the TA.0521 form, the instructions are regular and simple.

When you know that you must use the TA 0521 form, the first thing you must do is download the document from the Social Security web platform. To do this, you must carry out the following steps:

Depending on your situation, one of the many documents that must be processed and delivered to the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) or Social Security is form TA 0521. As long as you are in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), you can carry out this activity.

Ta 2 s

The General Regulations on Registration of Companies and Affiliation, Registration, Deletion and Variation of Workers’ Data in the Social Security, approved by Royal Decree 84/1996, of January 26, 1996, in its Fifth Additional Provision, empowers the General Directorate of the General Treasury of the Social Security to establish and, where appropriate, modify the modeling necessary for the application of said Regulations, as well as to issue the pertinent instructions for the implementation and completion of said model, due to the powers attributed to said General Treasury in these matters both by the aforementioned General Regulations of January 26, 1996 and by Royal Decree 1314/1984, of June 20, 1984, on the structure and powers of said General Treasury.

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On the other hand, by virtue of Article 18 of the Revised Text of the General Social Security Law, dated June 20, 1994, and of Royal Decree 1314/1984, dated June 20, 1984, as well as the General Regulations on Contribution and Settlement of other Social Security Rights, approved by Royal Decree 2064/1995, December 22, 1995, and on the Collection of Social Security System Resources, approved by Royal Decree 1637/1995, October 6, 1995, the aforementioned General Treasury is also responsible for the management and control of contributions and the collection of social security contributions.

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