Precio datafono la caixa

Precio datafono la caixa

comercia global payments

Caixabank POS are computer devices that allow you to manage the entire sales process (tickets, invoices, sales…). They are in charge of doing the operations, speeding up and organizing all the tasks linked to the sales process in a simple and easy way.
It is a type of POS that allows businesses to accept credit and debit card payments, without any mobility limitation. The mobile POS consists of a card reader that connects to the smartphone with bluetooth technology and the Mobile POS application available for Android 2.3 or higher or iOS 6.0 or higher. The most outstanding advantages of this modality are:


CaixaBank’s solution for receiving card payments is aimed at customers with business accounts or for the bank’s own professionals. You can open a company account and request the dataphone service at the same time.
The benefits of the flat rate should be evaluated according to the needs of each company. Although they are quite reasonable, their convenience or not is closely linked to the dataphone billing volume.
However, its main drawback is the necessary linkage of your procedures to a specific office, which is a terrible bottleneck for those who have to travel frequently throughout the national territory.
Often, visiting a Caixabank branch will do you no good if it is not your own. However, the telematic assistance service allows you to overcome many of these shortcomings and carry out most of your procedures online or by telephone, which often results in a more efficient service.
In general terms, Caixabank dataphones are a good solution for customers with an annual electronic income of between 24,000 and 36,000 euros, since, within this income range, their conditions are quite economical. However, it is important to remember that Caixabank dataphones only operate with Visa and MasterCard circuits, so it is advisable to take into account the customer profile before contracting this POS terminal.

caixa bank chat

Also known as a credit card reader, this is a terminal itself that processes card payments, even in contactless mode, with the help of a smartphone – indispensable for it to work.
The attendant types the amount due into the app itself and, upon confirmation, automatically activates the terminal. The customer then inserts the card into the reader, or can bring it close to the screen if he wants to pay by contactless technology.
In any case, every time you use it you will have to pay a fee for each transaction equal to 1.99% if your monthly turnover with the POS is less than €1,000. If the volume of payments received with the terminal is higher, la Caixa will propose a different solution.
With the approach of commissions and accepted cards of this reader, it seems that other alternatives may be more convenient. SumUp, for example, has a lower fee of 1.50% per transaction and accepts a wide variety of cards.

Precio datafono la caixa del momento

A remarkable aspect of this system on which laCaixa virtual POS has been created is that it makes possible the refund, total or partial, from the same management application. Interesting we also find in the function that enables the buyer to split the payment, when we talk about large amounts this is certainly an option to take into account and which other virtual POS lack.
I don’t think that laCaixa virtual POS is a bad option: the system is secure, a reliable provider, with very easy management and configuration, specific functionalities… It is really a good virtual POS, we would even dare to classify it as very good, but unfortunately it has a weak point in comparison to the BBVA virtual POS and BBVA virtual POS, which is that it is a very good option.
and BBVA virtual POS that cannot be overlooked. Its blemish on its record comes from the service’s excessively high commissions and maintenance fees, especially if we take into account the prices of its competitors, which are much lower.
One aspect to improve that detracts points from the virtual POS of La Caixa is that, in the case of offering payments by transfer, if the customer wanted to deposit the money in a La Caixa branch, he would be forced to pay €2 more if he was not a customer of the entity.

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