Real decreto 1398/93
Royal decree 1398 1993
This is relevant for the General State Administration and for the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities, but it is particularly important in relation to the Entities that make up the Local Administration. Thus, the three administrative levels are competent to establish their own procedures for the exercise of the sanctioning power, without prejudice to the supplementary nature of these Regulations.
VotarGive Royal Decree 1398/1993, of August 4, approving the Regulation of the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 1/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, of August 4, approving the Regulation of the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 2/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, of August 4, approving the Regulation of the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 2/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, of August 4, approving the Regulation of the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 2/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, of August 4, 3/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, dated August 4, approving the Regulations on the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 4/5Give Royal Decree 1398/1993, dated August 4, approving the Regulations on the Procedure for the Exercise of the Sanctioning Power 5/5
The third additional provision of the LRJ-PAC provides that, within the period established by the third additional provision itself, the regulations governing the different administrative procedures, whatever their rank, shall be brought into line with the same, with specific mention of the effects of the lack of an express resolution.
On the other hand, the requirements posed by the entry into force of the LRJ-PAC make it advisable that, within the framework of the process of adaptation, and from a perspective of strict respect for the constitutional distribution of competences and local autonomy, there should be a regulatory rule that allows the exercise of the sanctioning power in those cases in which there is no procedural regulation at the end of the transitional period provided for in the LRJ-PAC.
The procedure established in the Regulation is intended to simplify the formalities involved without this implying any reduction in the rights of the alleged offender. Thus, the reduction of the number of accusatory documents to one is a step in that direction. This is all the more necessary when an agile development of the procedure is sought, adjusted to the established deadlines. This same line of reasoning inspires the possibility that the offender voluntarily acknowledges his liability and, when the penalties are pecuniary, that their voluntary payment puts an end to the procedure or that reductions in their amount are established when so provided for in the corresponding provisions.
Ministerio de vivienda de omán
Este Real Decreto establece y regula la empresa omaní para la protección de la contaminación marina y también identifica los organismos gestores. Los objetivos de esta empresa son: recoger y eliminar los residuos de aceite de los buques, ya sea en los puertos o en las aguas territoriales, a través de instalaciones flotantes; reducir la contaminación de las playas; cubrir la importación y el almacenamiento de equipos y dispositivos; asegurar los daños técnicos que puedan sufrir los dispositivos utilizados; colaborar con los servicios de emergencia; y vender los aceites extraídos durante las operaciones anticontaminación.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.