How much does a nanny cost in spain

After this section, you will have to fill in the one referring to the entity of accidents at work and professional diseases and the following ones referring to the address to deliver notifications that may occur and the payment and direct debit of quotas.

In Fortuny Services we specialize in finding the ideal personnel for the Domestic Service depending on the needs of our clients.    If you need help or advice for the recruitment or selection process do not hesitate to contact us here.

Nanny contract

Once you have chosen the right caregiver for your children, it’s time to take care of the paperwork. We know that many parents may feel overwhelmed by these steps. Don’t worry, the process is simpler than it seems.

Once you fill out the document, present it at any Social Security General Treasury Administration. Here is a list of the TGSS offices where you can consult the one closest to you. The procedure can also be done electronically at the Social Security Electronic Headquarters if you have a digital certificate.

The Social Security will give you a Contribution Account Code.  On a monthly basis, your account will be debited with the contribution amounts derived from the hiring.  You can find in the following link the contribution bases of the Special System for Household Employees, where they indicate how much you must pay according to the monthly salary of the caregiver of your children.

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The registration in the Social Security System must be done before the first day of work.  Fill out form TA 2/S-0138 and present the form at a TGSS office. You can also do it electronically. You must check the box indicating that it is a registration and the date on which it occurs, or in other words, the start date of the employment contract.

Nanny comes to take care of child

When you have the services of domestic employees, it is important to register them with the Social Security. The procedure is not expensive, and it is the best way to ensure their labor rights. In addition, the consequences of not paying the contribution to domestic employees are very serious, both socially and personally.

Not only are you committing fraud against the Social Security system and leaving the employee’s rights unprotected, but the Labor Inspectorate can impose a fine of between 626 and 6,250 € and the Treasury can issue an ex officio registration, forcing you to pay the contributions due with surcharges and interest.

In order to register a domestic employee with the Social Security, the employer will have to request a Contribution Account Code. This code is used to control compliance with the contribution obligation.

It is obligatory to register the domestic employee with the Social Security before the services are rendered. Requests for cancellation and variations of data must be submitted within 3 calendar days of their occurrence.

How to register a child care provider

The reality is overwhelming. As I said in the previous post the shares could be a security that reflects the value of the company. If the company is worth nothing, what is the value of the shareholding? If Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo is worth nothing, what is the value of its shares?

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Thus, savers-investors who bought shares in financial institutions of which they were “lifelong” customers, with high down payment interests, are now faced with the reality that their investment is worth zero or almost zero. This situation obviously provokes despair. They did not expect it. They didn’t read what they signed. Maybe they just let themselves be convinced. And I don’t think even their salespeople didn’t know everything, but their superiors?

The shares have the potential to rise in value in the very long term. CAM has already been absorbed by Banco de Sabadell. The value of the shares depends on the business value of this entity. Let’s hope it goes up. In long cycles it has always done so.

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