Tgss red on line
electronic office
If you are an advisor and you need to carry out procedures for your clients with the Social Security, you must become RED authorized. To do this, the first thing you will need is a digital certificate. Then, you must request the corresponding authorization from the General Treasury of the Social Security. In this post we explain step by step how to become RED authorized and what procedures you can carry out through this system.
In this regard, since March 31, through the new CASIA service, created within the RED system itself, you can also submit applications for many procedures that until now had to be handled in person at the Social Security administrations.
Through this Register, any individual or legal entity can exercise its right to grant a power of attorney to those individuals or legal entities that wish to do so. This register of powers of attorney thus becomes a very useful system for advisors/managers, since it allows them to carry out all the tasks in the field of Social Security that the person may need, with the advantage that the principal can choose which matters he allows his advisor/manager to manage and which he does not.
tax agency
We process the information you provide us with in order to send you information, promotion and advertising related to our products and services by any means (mail, email or telephone). Don’t worry, we will not overwhelm you with too much information.
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Software del Sol, S.A. is processing your personal data, therefore, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
We process the information you provide in order to send you information, promotion and advertising related to our products and services by any means (mail, email or telephone). Don’t worry, we will not overwhelm you with too much information.
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Software del Sol, S.A. is processing your personal data, therefore, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
La obtención de imágenes del cielo en radiofrecuencias es uno de los enfoques posibles para estudiar la naturaleza y la evolución cosmológica de las radiofuentes y su relación con la estructura a gran escala subyacente (LSS) del universo. Fuera del plano de nuestra Galaxia, la mayoría de las fuentes detectadas en longitudes de onda centimétricas y métricas son extragalácticas y, a menudo, con desplazamientos al rojo muy elevados. Esto está relacionado con los mecanismos de emisión en dichas frecuencias, que son no térmicos y se producen en entornos específicos donde los electrones se aceleran a velocidades relativistas y producen radiación sincrotrón. Las radiofuentes extragalácticas observadas son, por tanto, anfitrionas de potentes motores, como núcleos galácticos activos o lugares de formación estelar intensiva, y pueden detectarse desde distancias cosmológicas muy grandes. Esto, junto con el hecho de que no se ven afectadas por la extinción del polvo, hace que las radiofuentes extragalácticas sean muy útiles para sondear grandes volúmenes cosmológicos.
Entre los catálogos de radio existentes, unos pocos catálogos de gran ángulo y resolución sub-arco-minuto cubren áreas de hasta miles de grados cuadrados que pueden utilizarse adecuadamente para estudios de LSS. Algunos ejemplos notables son el estudio de Green Bank a 4,85 GHz (87 GB; Gregory & Condon 1991), el estudio Parkes-MIT-NRAO también a 4,85 GHz (PMN; Wright et al. 1994), el Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (FIRST; Becker et al. 1995), el Westerbork Northern Sky Survey a 325 MHz (WENSS; Rengelink et al. 1997), el NRAO VLA Sky Survey a 1,4 GHz (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998), o el Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey a 843 MHz (SUMSS; Bock et al. 1999). Más recientemente se han cartografiado grandes franjas del cielo con el radiotelescopio de ondas métricas gigantes (GMRT; Ananthakrishnan 1995), el conjunto de baja frecuencia (LOFAR; van Haarlem et al. 2013) y el conjunto de campo amplio Murchison (MWA; Tingay et al. 2013). En un futuro próximo, se espera que estos esfuerzos aceleren el crecimiento de los conjuntos de datos de radio de gran angular en órdenes de magnitud gracias a los próximos sondeos como el VLA Sky Survey1 (VLASS; Myers et al. 2018) o los que llevará a cabo el Square Kilometre Array (SKA; Braun et al. 2015; Prandoni & Seymour 2015) y sus precursores (véase, por ejemplo, Norris et al. 2011).
social security spain
Companies and certain employers must submit applications, carry out procedures and receive notifications through this system. For example, they will carry out procedures such as registering a worker or submitting contribution documents.
However, the RED system is becoming increasingly easier to use and allows the employer to carry out these formalities himself if he has some knowledge of the subject.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.