Renta 2020 – securities portfolio
Renta Web is a service created by the Tax Agency to facilitate the processing and filing of tax returns for all taxpayers. Once you have identified yourself, you have access to the tax data and the draft tax return. All this, at the moment, ‘online’. This system was released with the 2015 income, it replaced the Father program, created in 1988, and caused at the beginning some collapses in the network by the avalanche of users who wanted to use it.
Another of its advantages is that it allows to make and file a rectification of a return already processed, if necessary. The tax return can be filed immediately, without having to go anywhere, once the draft has been reviewed.
To begin with, it is essential to identify yourself. Once on the Tax Agency website, you must select «draft/return processing service (Renta Web)». The first time you use it, you will be asked to confirm your address or modify it if necessary. Once this step has been taken, you will see that you have a draft tax return prepared. You must review it and provide information if it is missing. With all this you will be able to obtain the summary of results. If you agree, you will be able to file the return by checking the option «File return».
Tutorial online program for the calculation of income tax withholdings
To access your draft of the 2020 Income Tax Return, which is the one that we will file in 2021, you have to enter the Renta 2020 website, whose URL address is www.agenciatributaria.es/AEAT.internet/Renta.shtml. In this website, click on the option Processing service draft / return (Renta WEB) that will appear in the options of the section of Outstanding Procedures.
You will enter the page where you must log in. To do this, you can use your DNI or other data that you will be asked for later, but you can also use your digital certificate, including the FNMT certificate and the DNIe certificate. The quickest way is to click on the option Access with certificate or Electronic ID to use the certificate you have installed on your computer or browser.
When you click on Access with certificate or Electronic ID, a window will open in the browser where you will have to choose the certificate with which you want to identify yourself, which must be your FNMT or DNIe certificate. We have already explained how to request your FNMT digital certificate, and you can also obtain it by going to a government subdelegation in your city, informing you first about which days it is open.
Lec001 practice census modification 037 (umh1453sp 2017)
This statistic contains the consolidated information of the individual companies not integrated in groups that declare in form 200 and the consolidated groups that do so in form 220. This new information, complementary to that provided in the Statistics of the Annual Accounts in the Corporate Income Tax will provide the consolidated liquid quota for the Corporate Income Tax with accrual criterion.
In order not to bias the calculation of the effective rates, companies which, due to their special characteristics, are taxed at rate 0 (Pension Funds, UTES and SOCIMIS) or are taxed at a rate of 1% (Collective Investment Institutions and SICAVs) are eliminated.
The «Annual Corporate Income Tax Accounts» statistic is a census-based statistic based on annual corporate income tax returns. It aims to provide a detailed picture of the corporate sector as a whole, through information on the asset structure and results of the reporting entities classified by type of business group, the Autonomous Community in which they file, the sector to which they belong and the size of the company.
How to file your income tax return 2021 (draft and tax return).
In this same line, the ERTEs are subject to the same taxation rules as the rest of the incomes subject to IRPF, therefore, they will have the same consideration as the personal work incomes.
For example: A worker who has earned 21,000 euros and has no other income, will not be obliged to file income tax returns. However, another one who has received the same amount, but 16.000€ of salary and 5.000€ from the SEPE for the months he/she was in ERTE, will be obliged to file the tax return.
The appointments have a duration of 15 minutes from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. In these cases, it is very important to have all the necessary information ready to file the tax return when the time comes.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.