Cla casa del libro


La librería virtual se fundó en 1996 y hoy es líder en la venta de libros online, despachando pedidos a los cinco continentes. Además de su amplio y variado catálogo, su página web ofrece una navegación sencilla, seguridad en la gestión de los pedidos y un servicio de atención al cliente inigualable, prestado por expertos libreros. permite a las empresas y a los usuarios particulares registrarse y acceder a una infinidad de posibilidades, con el fin de obtener el libro que necesitan. De este modo, se ha creado una gran comunidad de lectores.

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La cadena es líder en su sector y su liderazgo se ha visto refrendado por el aumento de las visitas de los clientes, que acuden a Casa del Libro en busca de novedades de primera línea, pero también, y sobre todo, de títulos atrasados.
Casa del Libro ofrece una variada gama de servicios, entre los que destacan los pedidos personalizados y la venta a entidades y bibliotecas. La amplitud y profundidad de su base de datos se refleja en la publicación periódica de catálogos especializados en diferentes temas y en la presencia en línea de, que ofrece información a los cinco continentes.
Además, las actividades organizadas regularmente en las librerías, que atraen a numerosos lectores y público en general, refuerzan el posicionamiento natural de la Casa del Libro como líder cultural y punto de encuentro de autores, editores y lectores.

Cla casa del libro online

As for the independence of Casa del Libro with respect to the publishers belonging to its owner, the Planeta group, he indicates that without neutrality there is no business and that they sell books from all the imprints. Among other reasons, because «we are a bookstore of substance, and that means that when a customer asks for a book we are obliged to have it». As an example, the Gran Vía store has more than 90,000 references.
As for the future of the paper book, he is clear: «The e-book had its heyday in 2015, with a 10% share, which has been falling to 6%. The physical book has life and body, it takes the cat out of the water. What has changed is the way of dispatching it, since Amazon is the toughest competitor, although the price of the book is regulated and the promotion is not so aggressive, but it has put the batteries to the booksellers, because what it has done is to activate the digitization for a more active web, «he says.

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Another great event marked on the calendar of all great readers is the 23rd of April: the Day of the Book. On this date you can enjoy the best discounts and renew the titles on your bookshelf, and at the best price thanks to the Casa del Libro discount!
Every day Casa del Libro has more and more followers, thanks to its offers and the Casa del Libro promotional code with which you will benefit from great Casa del Libro discounts or even free shipping. Don’t wait any longer to enjoy the pleasure of reading without regrets!
If you want to know the best recommendations to save on your next purchase, we suggest you read below the recommendations that will make your order cheaper with the Casa del Libro discount.
The first thing you should do if you want to save, is to sign up for the newsletter, because through it you will receive their special offers by email, so you will never miss the best Casa del Libro promotions again!
Here you will find a wide reading catalog that currently has more than one million references of books in all formats. That is to say, besides the possibility of continuing with the traditional reading on paper, in the online store Casa del Libro they have adapted to the new technologies for reading that are appearing and therefore you can also buy the best e-books and tablets to encourage different digital reading habits. Likewise, this online store makes available to consumers the acquisition of any of the titles in Spanish on its website for all types of reading.

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