Dirección general de trafico test

Dirección general de trafico test

Driving license

It is a long wait from the end of the test until you are told the result. Until relatively recently, it was possible to know the verdict almost instantly. Not now. We tell you how and when to know if you have passed or not the driving test through the DGT website.

Here are the steps to follow to check the score of the theoretical and/or practical driving test. But first, we must warn you that the results are not published immediately:

Driving test

Well, on the way to passing these tests there are several steps to take. The first of them should be to study the highway code, although most aspiring drivers choose to take tests such as those used by the Dirección General de Tráfico for their exams.

Therefore, the training based on solving one questionnaire after another is not only the most used, but the DGT itself sees it as valid, since on its own web page it proposes tests for those aspiring to get a driver’s license to take and, thus, prepare for some of the exams they will have to face.

On the DGT website it is possible to download tests with which to prepare. It goes without saying that they are the most suitable for this purpose, since they are carried out by the Dirección General de Tráfico itself, so they are more up to date than any other.

However, future drivers have several options when they take the theory test. On the one hand, there are those who sign up at a driving school to go through the whole process. There, there are teachers who explain the different traffic situations motorists must face, while giving advice on the answers to be given in the tests. Driving schools also usually provide all kinds of «possible» tests, both from the DGT and from other sources… and of course, in the corrections it is possible to ask any doubts that may arise.

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Next we will see a series of fields and boxes to fill in. Although it should not require further explanation, we will summarize the information with which we have to fill in each field:

But what time do the results of the theoretical exam at the DGT come out? This is a very reasonable question, which most students ask themselves. Generally speaking, the results should be published on the same day or within 24 hours, after which they remain published for 15 days.

The consultation of the results of the practical test is similar to that of the theoretical test. Once again, we will go to the Electronic Headquarters of the Directorate General of Traffic, fill in the fields shown (NIF/NIE, Class of license, Date of birth, etc.) and click on the ‘Search’ button.

But how long does it take for the results to be published, are they available immediately after taking the exam? As a matter of fact, the examiner must communicate them to the person in charge of the driver training center, who in turn must send those results to the DGT. This can take about 24 hours. However, students are perfectly entitled to ask for the test result from the driving school manager, who would have no reason to withhold this information.

Dirección general de trafico test del momento

The BTests car license following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase B

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Permiso A2 and A1You will find varied questions with the same format as the real exam. Remember that to pass your 20-question test, you must make a maximum of 2 failures.Coming soon Test class A2

Permiso DTest de Coche following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase D

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