Metro madrid plaza españa

Metro madrid plaza españa

line 3transit line

It happens frequently: our flight or train leaves Madrid at ungodly hours. So much so that the metro has closed or has not opened. So, which route will be the best to go to the train station or the airport?

Let’s take a train to Atocha. Whether we go by car or cab, we are between 7 and 12 minutes away (depending on the traffic lights), so in a very short time we will be at the official parking of the Atocha station.

If you are going to travel for more than two days, it will probably be more economical to choose a cab ride. You can even request one a few days in advance at Radioteléfono Taxi. The fare will cost about 13.5 euros, and you won’t have to worry about finding parking or the car during the trip.

We are taking a plane. Since the distance is longer, the ride will cost us more: about 30 euros. Now, the airport parking, which is around 15 euros per day, looks different for those who are forced to move around in their own vehicle. This parking is located four minutes by shuttle from the airport, so we will not be late.


Nylon muzzle with padded inner lining, adjustable, allows the dog to keep its mouth open but not bite. The muzzle is embroidered on one side with the Metro de Madrid logo, and is available in the following sizes:

Great personalized thermos cup with the Metro map for your daily coffees. Double layer insulation with screw cap.  Packaging in recycled cardboard box. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Capacity 410 ml.

Wireless bluetooth 5.0 headphones Autonomy of 10 hours and operating distance of up to 10 meters from the player. Foldable, padded and with microphone to answer your calls. Includes AM/FM tuner, charging cable and audio cable for devices without bluetooth.


2. Benches to rest: before it was difficult to see benches in Gran Vía, to the point that whoever wanted to sit down sometimes had to queue. Now this avenue will have 143 benches: 33 wooden and 110 stone. The wooden benches are modular. They are made up of three pieces that offer different possibilities, so that pedestrians can sit facing each other, perpendicular to each other or even leaning back. These benches were designed by architect Marcos Plazuelo under the title «I had three chairs in my house».

3. The Chinese pear trees: the vegetation reaches the main artery of Madrid, which will sport 89 Chinese pear trees, deciduous trees that in spring will have white flowers. They have been chosen because it is a species with little foliage that will bring freshness without taking away visibility.

Gran Vía was one of the first eight stations that Metro de Madrid had when it was inaugurated in October 1919 by King Alfonso XIII, and its original name, in 1919 and 1920, was Red de San Luis, later changing to its current name. However, during the Franco era it received the name of José Antonio, and recovered again the Gran Vía in 1984.

line 10 metro madrid timetable

The Metro is the most efficient, fast and economical way to move around Madrid. The city has a very extensive metropolitan network, one of the most complete in Europe, and covers almost all points of the capital and many of the nearby cities.  Undoubtedly the most practical and economical option to move from the airport to the center and vice versa.

Currently, there are twelve metro lines, three light metro lines and the branch line that connects the stations of Ópera and Príncipe Pío. Of all the lines, the modern line 8 (Nuevos Ministerios-Airport T4) stands out, linking the capital with the international airport of Barajas – to T4 it takes less than 20 minutes and to the rest of the terminals, only 12 minutes – and with the Madrid Fair (Ifema), as well as the lines that reach the new urban developments (line 11 to the PAU of Carabanchel and line 1 of the light metro, to Sanchinarro and Las Tablas).

To access the outskirts of the city, Madrid has a suburban train service. This Renfe service has nine train lines that run through the Community of Madrid. All of them depart from or pass through Atocha station and allow tourists to easily reach World Heritage Sites such as Alcalá de Henares, El Escorial Monastery or Aranjuez, or to travel to T4 of Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas Airport.

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